Fixes in v1.3a

Forgotten Fields

Forgotten Fields is a cozy narrative game about Sid - a struggling writer who travels back to his childhood home one last time before it's sold off. Visit old friends, relive memories, solve puzzles and play through sections of Sid's book in this warm game about nostalgia and the passage of time.

Hi! Here are the fixes included in patch v1.3a: Major improvements: [list] [*] Fixed: Camera rotation for some players is too sensitive and spins out of control, especially when using the mouse [*] Fixed: Trees, walls and roofs often obstruct the player's view of Sid, especially when in Ethan's house. Most objects and trees now fade out when Sid is blocked from view by them. [*] Fixed: The camera rotation when running through the fields outside Ethan's house is locked. [*] Fixed: Added Vsync. [/list] Minor fixes: [list] [*] Fixed: Sid sometimes faces away from the camera when changing outfits in Sid's room in the first scene. [*] Fixed: The song that plays during the first-person car drive section doesn't loop. [*] Fixed: Player can look at photos while fetching plates in Sid's mom's house, which in turn causes him to clip through the camera after looking at the photos. [*] Fixed: Player can trigger the dialogue for entering the shower from outside the bathroom in Sid's mom's house. [*] Fixed: When meeting Ethan's dad for the first time, Sid can get stuck on furniture and walk into it endlessly throughout the scene. [*] Fixed: Attempted a fix for a rare shader issue on Mac where some scenes would render completely pink. [/list] Let me know if there are any further issues with this patch! -Armaan