Known Issues in Version 0.4.1


「IfSunSets」 is a survival RPG adventure game. During the day, secure necessary supplies across the island, and survive the night against strong and terrifying monsters that track you down. You can utilize resources you've secured to build a base to fend off threatening monsters.

This is the IfSunSets Team. After today's hotfix 0.4.1, different players experience some issues that we would like to inform you about. [h3]Known issues:[/h3] [list] [*] NPCs are appearing at the spot where you first met them with reset dialogue, even though they should not be there. [*] In-game time is not progressing when loading a save file from an earlier version. [*] Items registered in the hotbar are returning to the inventory when loading a save. [*] Some users are experiencing additional stutters in game after the latest hotfix [/list] [b]We are currently investigating these issues and another hotfix, which will deal with these issues, will be released today.[/b] The whole team wants to apologize for these problems.