Kingshunt Closed Beta Weekend - September 22-26, 2022


Kingshunt is a third person tactical arena brawler set in a dark fantasy world. Form a team of five, choose your hero and take the fight to the enemy in this competitive online multiplayer game. Summon powerful minions and towers to combat the enemy team.

[h1]Welcome to the Kingshunt Closed Beta Weekend [/h1] The Kingshunt Closed Beta Weekend will begin on Friday, September 23rd at 4 PM (GMT). The servers will be open all throughout the weekend until Monday, September 26th at 6 AM (GMT). There’s still time to request access to the Closed Beta weekend. Head over to our Steam Store page and press the [b]Request Access[/b] button [u]to get the Kingshunt Playtest launcher in your library[/u]. We will be granting access to new players at regular intervals throughout the Beta, so please be patient if your access request takes a while to go through. If you already have the Kingshunt Playtest launcher in your library, then you won’t have to do anything to secure access. In fact, you can download the game right now and launch it to go check out your builds for runes and summons and try out the combat tutorial and training grounds levels while you wait for the servers to open. If you are a content creator, we want your support, so please [url=]join our Discord server[/url] to share your channel, schedule, and clips. Creators there will get priority in our upcoming creator program! Below you also find our first official patch notes of this new stage of Kingshunt development! [h1]Close Beta Weekend - September 2022 Patch Notes [/h1] As we prepare to transition from our Alpha stage to our Early Access Beta and open up Kingshunt to the community, let’s recap our main feature and the biggest changes since Alpha playtests until this point. [h3]Conquest Mode [/h3] [i]Your goal in Conquest is to capture objectives and destroy the enemy team’s base. To secure a victory, your team must obtain enough tickets to place your rivals in a faltering state. Then they can no longer respawn! If you eliminate your faltered enemies, your team is victorious. Capturing objectives, and eliminating minions and towers, grants your team tickets and resources. When your team captures an objective, they will receive tickets. Those tickets are removed from the team if you lose the objective.  When a capture point timer reaches zero, the team that owns the objective will receive tickets and resources. Or reach and destroy the enemy team’s core for an alternative victory. [/i] [h3]Conquest Mode changes [/h3] [list] [*] Main mode’s name changed to “Conquest” (from Elimination) [*] Conquest map optimization, with new placements, improved graphics, bug fixes, and other improvements. [*] Health Pickup locations have been changed since previous tests. [*] Health pickups now give the hero a percentage of their max HP and mana instead of a flat rate. Heroes receive 33% of their max HP and 25% of their max Mana. [*] Reduced the number of tickets gained from destroying lane towers by 50. [*] Reduced Tier 1 tower HP. [*] Increased Tier 2 tower HP. [*] Increased Core’s HP. [/list] [h3]Rune system changes [/h3] [list] [*] Added an autopath system to rune builds. [*] Runes are automatically unlocked during the match according to a predetermined path. [*] The autopath is enabled by default but can be disabled from the game settings or rune menu. [*] You can now refund the last rune you purchased. [*] Reduced [Emergency Armor] armor gain to 50%. [*] [Aversion] rune has been temporarily removed from the game as it is undergoing a rework. [/list] [h3]Summon changes [/h3] [list] [*] All summons now have a unique special ability that can be activated during the game. Special abilities need to be unlocked from the main menu before they can be used in-game. Activating summon special abilities does not cost any utility resources, but they do have a cooldown.  [*] Increased summoned minion’s movement speed. [*] Improvements made to the summon's AI. [*] Increased Orc minion attack damage. [*] Increased Mage minion attack damage. [*] Reworked the special abilities for Orc, Breacher, and Barricade based on feedback received during the Technical Test. [*] Updated model for Healing Well. [*] Adjusted summon resource costs. [/list] [h3]Hero changes [/h3] [b]All [/b] [list] [*] Balanced all heroes starting stats to fit their roles better. [*] Double-jump abilities now use up the entire stamina pool. [*] New alternative character skins. [/list] [b]Alaida [/b] [list] [*] Changed name (previously known as Olette). [*] [Fairydust] ability reworked. [*] [Fairydust]’s slow amount reduced based on feedback received after the Technical Test. [/list] [b]Crowley [/b] [list] [*] Added double-jump, which can be activated using the spacebar. [*] FX elements polished. [/list] [b]Grozny [/b] [list] [*] Reduced all abilities' mana cost. [/list] [b]Isac [/b] [list] [*] [Surge] reworked. [*] Reduced [Surge]’s total trigger amount by 1 based on feedback received during the Technical Test. [/list] [b]Jatult [/b] [list] [*] Fixed the bug that allowed players to spam the [Chain Dash] ability more than intended. [/list] [b]Knight [/b] (Note: the Knight character model is placeholder as we work on the final model.) [list] [*] [Impenetrable Shield] ability reworked. [*] [Leap Strike] ability reworked. [/list] [b]Legena [/b] [list] [*] Adjusted the healing ability to connect more reliably. [/list] [b]Mara [/b] [list] [*] Reduced the range of the [Whiplash] ability. [*] Increased [Whiplash] stun duration by 0.2s. [/list] [b]Mortan [/b] [list] [*] Added the dash to the shift key and moved float to the spacebar. [*] Made aiming of [Writhe] ability more consistent. [*] Reduced the [Overflow] ability base damage. [*] Increased the stamina cost of floating by 25%. [/list] [b]Noxis [/b] [list] [*] Fixed [True Colours] ability’s targeting. [*] Fixed Noxis getting stuck when phasing with the [Hidden Blade] ability. [/list] [b]Scarlet [/b] [list] [*] Changed name (previously known as Claret). [*] Added the dash to the shift key and double jump to the spacebar. [*] Reduced [Scarlet Rain] ability airtime but increased the damage per arrow. [/list] [b]Tulikko [/b] [list] [*] [Stance Switch] ability reworked. [*] Made slow movement possible while casting the [Blade of Dawn] ability. [*] Balance changes to all abilities. [/list] [b]Endora [/b] [list] [*] Reduced ability [Shooting Star]’s AOE blast radius. [*] Reduced ability [Shooting Star]’s damage scaling. [*] Reduced Ultimate [End of Days] damage scaling. [/list] [h3]User Interface [/h3] [list] [*] Main menu reworked with an improved flow, new text descriptions, keyboard shortcuts, a new hero selection screen, and much more. [*] Adjusted ability descriptions for better readability during a match. [*] In-depth end-of-match stat screen showing damage and healing values. [*] Death recap to see damage sources after being eliminated. [/list]