A NEW character and a TON of improvements ahead of our Early Access release!


Kingshunt is a third person tactical arena brawler set in a dark fantasy world. Form a team of five, choose your hero and take the fight to the enemy in this competitive online multiplayer game. Summon powerful minions and towers to combat the enemy team.

Our Early Access release is almost here! [u]Our servers should go live on Thursday, 11/3, at 11 am EDT/8 am PDT[/u]! We hope to see you all there! We are excited to share all the improvements we made to the game based on the community’s feedback from the Steam Next Fest demo! We are also very happy to unveil the final name of the hero previously known as Knight: Laurelai! With her sword and shield, she is built like a tank and is ready to protect her team and lead it to victory! You will know more about her pretty soon! And if you didn’t have the opportunity to play Kingshunt before, there’s a new video that explains the basics of our first game mode, Conquest! [previewyoutube=xk9Q-JCWwv4;full][/previewyoutube] For those who played the game before, you can check all changes made for the Early Access release. We always listen to feedback, so don’t hesitate to join our Discord channel and share your thoughts! The game will be better with your help! [b]Known Issues:[/b] Sometimes a player is unable to summon a new healer minion after it dies. Localization issues like text clipping and missing strings in Brazilian Portuguese. [b]Patch Notes[/b] [i][b]In-game Changes[/b][/i] [list] [*] The Knight is now Laurelai! [*] Many new skins added! [*] Added a promotional code activation feature for pre-purchase rewards and community programs. [*] Structure nav area modifiers are slightly larger to fix issues with minions getting stuck in barricades. [*] Malakai’s wall was tweaked to avoid issues of pushing players inside of it. [*] Fixed an issue with Frost tower’s special aim. [*] Fixed an issue with Cloth getting invisible after dashes. [*] Added 3D UI Mana bar to heroes. [*] The attack range decal is now hidden during the death cam. [*] Fixed an issue that could cause a fatal crash when closing the rune menu. [*] Multiple improvements to the pinging system. [*] Shadows adjustments to high and ultra-graphics settings. [*] Disabled heroes cannot be activated by random selection. [*] Leaderboards now track more details, and the stats menu received graphical improvements. [*] Added chat to hero pick screen. [*] Anticheat measurements improved to prevent unnecessary player kicks and bans. [*] Multiple fixes to the match info screens in the tutorial hero selection. [*] Fixed issues with character movement under Fear. [*] Fixed issues with the end-game leaderboards if players left early. [*] Evade ability distances adjusted. [*] Summon upgrades cannot be bought if the summon itself is not owned. [*] Fixed issues that caused the Lane Towers to take too little damage. [*] Fixed issues that caused minions to stay attacking dead targets. [*] Fixed an issue that caused displaying ‘no mana’ text while dead. [*] Improvements were made to Summon Warp so that it doesn’t block player movement. [*] Target highlight now has the same distance as the attack range. [*] Target highlighting received visual changes. [*] Fixes for a bug that prevented using summons under certain circumstances. [*] ‘Special ready’ text displaying even if summon special not owned fixed. [*] Fixed an issue with regenerating health and armor while dead. [*] Hero mesh rotation replication fixed. [*] Heavy blows and quiver rune fixed from executing from other than basic attacks. [*] Fixed bugs that caused Lane Towers to stop shooting under certain circumstances. [*] Lane Towers now deal bonus damage to players with each consecutive shot. [*] Matchmaking now tries to match players with similar skill levels. [*] The Main Menu music was adjusted. [*] Tower summon rules adjusted to allow building in more locations. [*] Improved AOE damage. [*] Damage text size and animation had adjustments. [*] Improvements made to the desktop notification system. [*] HUD Ultimate ready animation. [*] Added on hit reactions and death effects to Towers. [*] Multiple audio improvements. [*] Giant slayer and contempt runes fixed. [*] Announcer's voice changed. [*] Yeah, we said we had a TON of improvements. Keep going! [*] Code activation response window improvements. [*] Fixed issues that could cause fatal crashes while rejoining a match. [*] Main menu UI polished. [*] Summoned minions are now only visible in the minimap if the hero who summoned them is also visible. [*] Summon minions have rotation lock and collision disabled while spawning. [*] Summon UI animation polished. [*] Only unique summons allowed in loadout. [*] Added lock indicator to selected heroes in hero selection phase. [*] Added Back button shortcut to some of the main menu sections. [*] Max squad size increased to 5. [*] Leaderboards feature more stats. [*] Hero velocity on jump clamped only when doing basic attacks. This allows faster movement with some of the abilities when combined with jump. [/list] [i][b]Conquest Mode[/b][/i] [list] [*] Hero elimination rune xp gain 40 -> 50. [*] Hero elimination assist rune xp gain 20 -> 25. [*] Minion elimination rune xp gain 4-> 5. [*] Capture point rune xp gain from capture 20 -> 25. [*] Damage required for one second of ultimate cd reduction against players 100 -> 150. [*] Damage required for one second of ultimate cd reduction against minions 200 -> 300. [*] Healing to players required for one second of ultimate cd reduction 100 -> 150. [/list] [i][b]Characters[/b][/i] [list] [*] Ranged character movement speed reduction while holding LMB 20% -> 25%. [*] All characters' armor recharge delay 8s -> 7s. [*] All characters' armor recharge time 10s -> 9s. [/list] [b]Crowley[/b] [list] [*] Visuals from Crowley's ultimate were heavily polished. [/list] [b]Endora[/b] [list] [*] Endora’s Ultimate meteor cast time reduced by 0.2s. [*] Endora’s Q radius increased by 2.5 meters. [*] Endora’s Empower skill range decal fixed. [/list] [b]Alaida[/b] [list] [*] Alaida can’t Soulroot stacks against structures. [/list] [b]Grozny[/b] [list] [*] Grozny’s RMB no longer rotates after being cast. Reduced cast time which also forces stopped movement by 50% to compensate. [*] Grozny’s RMB manacost 25 -> 21. [*] Grozny’s Q mana cost 18 -> 20. [*] Grozny’s ultimate base damage 525 -> 480 (More in line with other similar abilities’ damage and scaling). [*] Grozny’s ultimate scaling 1.1 -> 1.2. [*] Grozny’s run start animation polish. [*] Grozny’s skinning polish. [/list] [b]Isac[/b] [list] [*] Isac’s RMB cd 10 -> 12. [*] Isac’s Q cd 14 -> 15. [*] Isac’s Ultimate AOE range 1000 -> 700. [*] Isac’s Ultimate attack and movement speed increase 30% -> 20%. [*] Isac’s Ultimate magical power scaling 0.7 -> 0.5. [*] Fixed Isac activating stun with each pulse of ultimate: Surge. [*] Isac’s dash range was reduced since it was longer than the ranged characters’. [*] Isac’s effects polished. [*] Isac is impressed you've made it here. He appreciates all the love. [*] Isac’s foot rapid movement bug fixed. [/list] [b]Jatult[/b] [list] [*] Jatult’s RMB rework. Works pretty much the same as before but now it doesn't cause dashing but instead gives 33 stamina with each use. Doesn't interrupt dash. [*] Jatult’s RMB scaling 1.0 -> 0.9. [*] Jatult’s RMB base damage 40 -> 30. [*] Jatult’s RMB AOE radius 2,8m -> 3,3m. Now it's the same as LMB range. [*] Jatult’s Q Rework. Applies same life steal but on top of that steals 10% of near enemy physical power and applies 10% slow to enemies in the area. It's an aura. [*] Removed Jatult’s Q’s animation lock. Felt unresponsive. [*] Jatult’s Q cooldown 10s -> 20s. [*] Removed physical power increase from Jatult’s ultimate. [*] Added decal to Jatult’s blood skill. [/list] [b]Malakai[/b] [list] [*] Malakai’s RMB ability aiming improved. [/list] [b]Mara[/b] [list] [*] Mara’s ultimate AOE range decreased by 10% [*] Mara’s Whiplash cooldown 12s -> 15s [*] Mara’s dash range reduction. Was longer than ranged characters [/list] [b]Mortan[/b] [list] [*] Mortan’s tentacle strike rotation lock time adjusted. [/list] [b]Noxis[/b] [list] [*] Noxis’ ultimate base damage 400 -> 450. [*] Noxis RMB scaling 0.9 -> 1.0. [*] Noxis’ ultimate scaling 1.1 -> 1.4. [*] Noxis’ RMB cooldown 12 -> 15. [*] Noxis’ RMB mana cost 21 -> 18. [*] Noxis’ Q cooldown 15 -> 16. [/list] [b]Laurelai[/b] [list] [*] Laurelai’s RMB cd 8s -> 10s [*] Laurelai’s visual effects polished. [/list] [b]Legena[/b] [list] [*] Legena’s ultimate mana cost 35 -> 31. [*] Legena’s Blinding Light mana cost 25 -> 23. [*] Blind FX effect polished to be more transparent. [/list] [b]Scarlet[/b] [list] [*] Scarlet’s RMB scaling 1.2 -> 1.6. [*] Scarlet’s ultimate arrow short range 3000 -> 3300. [*] Scarlet’s ultimate arrow fly speed 6000 -> 6500. [*] Scarlet base att speed 120% -> 110%. [*] Added arrows mesh to Scarlet quiver. [/list] [b]Tulikko[/b] [list] [*] Tulikko’s RMB magical power scaling 0.8 -> 0.7. [*] Tulikko’s RMB physical power scaling 0.4 -> 0.5. [*] Tulikko’s RMB + Shift combo to be more responsive. [*] Tulikko’s Q magical power scaling 0.5 -> 0.45. [*] Tulikko’s Q white stance switch movement speed increased 20% -> 30%. [*] Tulikko’s Q cooldown 5s -> 4s. [*] Tulikko’s Q mana cost 10 -> 12. [*] Tulikko’s Ult magical power scaling 1.2 -> 1.1. [*] Tulikko’s Ult physical power scaling 0.5 -> 0.6. [/list] [i][b]Summons[/b][/i] [list] [*] Starting summon tokens 350 -> 300. [*] Reduced Frost Tower Attack speed reduction per stack from 5% -> 1%. [*] Healing Well armor recharge delay reduction 5s -> 4s. [*] Barricade health 1500 -> 1300. [*] Summoned minion summon cost 250 -> 300. [/list] [i][b]Runes[/b][/i] [list] [*] Increased Major Rune Finale bonus damage up to 30% -> 40%. [*] Increased Major Rune Proactive armor gain 50 -> 100. [*] Sorrow Major Rune attack speed reduction 25% -> 20%. [*] Buildup Major Rune magical power increase 1 -> 2. [*] Fortified Major Rune damage reduction per unit 1% -> 2% up to 10% -> 20%. [*] Deep Wounds Major Rune bleed duration 5s -> 2s. [*] Gamble Major Rune physical power loss from dying 20 -> 40. [*] Spell Gamble Major Rune magical power loss from dying 40 -> 80. [*] Quiver Major Rune attack speed up to 45% -> 30%. [*] Still here? We love you. Here, take a cookie. [*] Heavy Blows Rune damage based on enemy current health 5% -> 4%. [*] Attack speed minor rune 11% -> 10%. [/list] Let's join the hunt tomorrow!