INFINITUM Pre Alpha 0.7.4

Infinitum: The Backrooms Story

INFINITUM is a horror open-world survival co-op story game that can be played with up to 4 players. Adventure through the endless procedurally generated levels and discover the multiple endings of the game, every playthrough being different than the last. Update posts coming every sunday

[url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44264256/d140c1c3bfc0281f581b16d4975b56512916b00d.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44264256/e26511c71cb009f95b25aa4d85f9559c827a6380.png[/img][/url] [b]Pre Alpha 0.7.4 is here![/b] Patch notes: -You can now create as many saves as you want -Keybinds now save and load between game sessions -Resolution doesn't change anymore when traveling between levels -Stamina drains slower now -Safe rooms were added back into the game -Seed influences the generation, if you were to put the seed "5" and create 2 worlds with the same seed, those would mostly be the same, things like items still spawn randomly, seed independent -Added Loading Screens with various tips and images -Added level 37 Ambient music -Added HARDCORE Mode, Once you die, your save slot gets deleted -Added Exploration mode, without entities [b]Bug fixes: [/b] -Fixed bug where you could climb the slides in level 0 resulting in you no clipping through the map -Fixed bug where fov would zoom in a lot when doing parkour -Completely remade the save/loading system for the player and slots so there shouldn't be any bugs left related to saving, if there are please let me know [b]Don't forget you can playtest this version right NOW Through patreon![/b] Link to patreon post: