If Cities Skylines 2 performance has you worried, play this instead

Highrise City

Highrise City offers a new spin on City Simulations & Tycoon games expanding the economy and resource management aspect. Experience a modern take on the genre enriched with a complex resource based economy system.

Cities Skylines 2 performance on PC is causing worry for fans of the giant Paradox city builder. While its new features and tools are all welcome additions, and it offers a much greater scale and creativity than the original Cities Skylines, CS2 struggles on even the strongest gaming rigs, with our own Cities Skylines 2 review citing numerous issues. If you've got concerns about the upcoming sequel, but still want a great new building and management game, Cities Skylines 2's closest rival, Highrise City, is the perfect option.

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The Cities Skylines 2 download size is even bigger than we thought
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