Hotfix: Water/Food/Minerals etc missing

New Cycle

New Cycle is a city building game with focus on survival. After an apocalyptic series of solar flares, human society has been thrown into disarray. Establish a settlement and develop it all the way from humble beginnings to industrial metropolis.

Heyho everyone, We squashed a really nasty one that couldnt wait for a bigger patch - so here we go with another hotfix: [list] [*] [FIXED] Players encountered missing water, food or other materials, together with various "weird" behavior of graphics. The reason was a bug in the loading process that corrupted every savefile it loaded. [/list] After this Hotfix, this Loading Bug is fixed, but savefiles, that were loaded with the loading bug, [u][b]and then saved[/b][/u], will stay corrupted. Your safest bet is to go back to an older savefile that you didn't save in this state. We are sorry for the inconvinience and lost savefiles this caused, but luckily this lead to a relatively fast fix for such a critical bug - thanks to everyone who delivered information and was actively involved in the bughunt - you rock!