Hotfix is now live!

Phantom Abyss

Phantom Abyss is a massive asynchronous multiplayer game that casts players into procedurally-generated temples and tasks them with retrieving the sacred relics hidden within deadly chambers.

Hi everyone, Thank you for all your feedback and support during the launch of Phantom Abyss! With the help of the community we've been able to address and fix the various issues listed below: - Fixed an issue where players would find a lot of empty temples - Fixed some temples that had inaccessible doorways - Fixed an issue where darts wouldn't reveal invisible floors - Fixed an issue were a switch behind a coin door wasn't whippable - Fixed an issue where rift boulders were bouncy - Fixed an issue where players would not show up on the leaderboard if they were not in the top 20 - Fixed a crash when loading a level - Fixed a rare gameAnalytics crash - Fixed a crash when the game was loading a dungeon on high-end pcs - Fixed distorted audio and memory leaks - Fixed the rolling visual re-enabling if rolling while in slow-mo - Fixed a message appearing about the server being unresponsive - Fixed player stats timestamps not being applied correctly - Fixed temporary powers not working correctly - Fixed incorrect collision on masked defiler illusions - Fixed some bottomless pits to correctly respawn the player - Fixed respawning players who fall out of the world - Fixed respawning and getting stuck in collision Thank you all so much for playing Phantom Abyss, it really means a lot to us!