We'd like to give a massive apology to everyone for the state of our servers for the past week.
It's been very painful for everyone including us, and is the first time we've experienced these issues since we first launched in Early Access 6 months ago.
The good news: is that servers are stable once again! Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding!
On top of the servers working properly, we've patched a few minor issues detailed below. Thank you to everyone for playing. We hope you're enjoying the game, and we can't wait to share with you what we've got in store for the new year!
Latest changes
[*]Fixed issues where the "phantom released screen" didn't want to go away.
[*]Fixed an issue where the game could "black out" if players entered the HUB frequently
[*]The masked Defiler will give you a bit more time to breathe before attacking again.
[*]Added some more pillars to several rooms with floating platforms
[*] Players must now be standing to "interact" with something
[*] Updated the phantom counter in loading screen
[*] Phantom counter should be more accurate now
[*] Updated relic sounds