Hotfix 1.2.1b

Across the Obelisk

Set forth in a co-op roguelite deckbuilder where every choice matters! Craft decks of breathtaking power. Journey alone or with up to three friends. Plot your party’s path to glory and face powerful enemies in deep tactical combat on your quest to save the kingdom of Senenthia in Across the Obelisk!

Hello everyone. This is a hotfix to solve some problems that have been reported since we released the patch. - Fixed a problem with keyboard casting that sometimes resulted in choosing the wrong targets for card effects. - Fixed the resistances of Noxious Parasites in Act 4, which granted more resistances than intended. - Slightly reduced the resistances granted to monsters by Armaggedon, Subzero, Noxious Parasites and Melancholy corruptions in acts 3 and 4. - In Obelisk Challenge, fixed a problem that prevented Gorio to appear as a random boss. - Fixed a problem that showed the game score as 0 when loading a saved game while in town. - Fixed the damage formula in enchantments that deal damage, now it will scale correctly with enchantments that deal damage based on energy spent. Also now, damage will be done before applying the aura/curses like it happens with the cards. This change affects both player and monster enchantments. - Fixed a problem with card descriptions not updating their damage values after Stealth has been consumed on the active character. - Fixed a problem in Sandbox mode when playing with less than 4 heroes and getting cursed with Doom from the Impeding Doom Madness corruptor. - Furious Crocomen will no longer follow you to Ulminin if you burn their village first in Act 2 Aquarfall. - Fixed some text here and there, and replaced "Casted" in the combat log for "Cast". - Scourge and Zeal added to the "Filter" options in the crafting windows. - Reduced the Zeal for Golden Scarabs in Act 2 in normal, to 5 (from 7). - Reduced the Evasion and Buffer for Jade Scarabs in Act 2 in normal, to 5 (from 7). As always, thanks to all of you for your support, feedback, and understanding.