
Arms Trade Tycoon: Tanks

Arms Trade Tycoon: Tanks is a unique combination of tank design and tycoon game. It puts you in charge of an arms trading company specialized in tanks from WWI to the modern era. Research, design, sell and follow your tanks in battle to make your own history!

Greetings, Arms Dealers! The [b]Hotfix patch[/b] is now ready, and we are happy to share it with you! This update focuses on the most urgent issues that were discovered, such as progression from Tier 1 to Tier 2, contract “starvation” at certain periods, excessive attribute demands for certain contracts, excessive company upkeep, and several other issues. With these changes, we hope that your experience will be more enjoyable. Please see the detailed list of changes below. Thank you for providing your feedback and your patience with this patch! FunGI Team Patch content: [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*] Decreased contract “starvation” periods. [*] Increased achievement point generation with a special focus on unlocking research nodes and fulfilled contracts. [*] Decreased maintenance costs. [*] Increased Tank Fame contribution to a contract’s success score to 15. [*] Removed the “soft lock” from loan negotiation; the bank fee no longer locks new loan deals. [*] Revisited “True Tycoon” difficulty settings. [*] Specified which “design limits” are exceeded instead of displaying a generic message in the Design window. [*] Countries are now less “aggressive” regarding attribute demand growth for new contracts. [*] The grace period after a fire is increased to 120 days. [*] Edited the contract window by adding a “Deadline Days” value under the time proposal slider. [*] Removed “Gunner” requirements from turrets. [*] Revisited “Crew Requirement” colouring in design; the colour scheme now properly reflects the state. [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed exceptions on the global map caused by “conquer” events. [*] Fixed the bug with military campaigns not being shown on the global map. [*] Fixed the broken scroll in the “Fix All Defects” window. [*] Removed “Automotive Oil” used in the Era 2 startup tank designs. [*] Fixed a bug that allowed entry into Test Drive on a weaponless tank. [*] Specified the proper optimal buildings for Gerald Rugby and Heinrich Sauer (administrators). [*] Corrected the “milling focus” bonus application. [*] Fixed a bug that resulted in the Tier 2 modification “Compact Recoil Cylinder” appearing by default in Era 1. [*] Fixed a bug that allowed reputation generation for currently inactive countries. [*] Fixed a bug that led to a missing shell loading indicator for Tier 2 tanks in the Tank Range. [*] Fixed erroneous identification of “Fighter Aircraft Fuel” as Tier 1 instead of Tier 2. [*] Fixed the bug that caused incorrect tank age to be displayed. [*] Addressed issues for Whippet-based designs in Test Drive. [*] Fixed a bug that allowed time to continue after pressing the “ESC” key. [*] Revisited the “remaining tanks” field for contracts in the Warehouse building. [*] Fixed the incorrect colouring of some rivet types. [*] Fixed a bug that caused incorrect turret positions after a Test Drive run. [*] Fixed a bug where the previously selected mod was not reset after removal. [*] Fixed an issue that led to incorrect “Draw” battle outcomes instead of a victory for one of the sides. [*] Fixed a bug with the Medium Mark 3 intersecting with mounted turrets. [*] Resolved the issue with very high Universal Mk5/31 turret rotation. [*] Resolved the issue when the Mittlerer Traktor's rear turret was not rotating. [*] Resolved issues with strange shadows for the Universal MK4/25 turret. [*] Fixed the bug with the Armoured Gun Seal causing an exception error. [*] Resolved the issue with the Madsen MK1 machine gun clipping through French Era 2 turrets. [*] Resolved the issue with the QF-6 57/L40 gun clipping through sponsons. [/list]