Home of Wargamers Live - Field of Glory II: Medieval

Field of Glory: Empires

Field of Glory: Empires is a grand strategy game in which you will have to move in an intricate and living tapestry of nations and tribes, each one with their distinctive culture.

[previewyoutube=lXzWi4LjhMY;full][/previewyoutube] On [b]November 12[/b] we will finally reveal [b]Field of Glory II: Medieval[/b], an event totally dedicated to the new standalone game by Byzantine Games. Don't miss the live broadcast that will kick off at [b]5pm BST / 12pm EDT / 9am PDT[/b] on our Twitch channel. We will talk about the game and interview its creator Richard Bodley Scott who will stay with us to answer your questions in chat. After the event, don't go anywhere, because we will also be showing an historical battle played exclusively by Richard Yorke. Get comfortable and make our [url=https://www.twitch.tv/slitherinegroup][b]Twitch channel[/b][/url] your home for this special event. We look forward to seeing you there. To know more about the product, please consult the official product page https://store.steampowered.com/app/1368870/Field_of_Glory_II_Medieval/