Holy Potatoes! A Spy Story?! Loyalty Discount and Bundle

Holy Potatoes! A Spy Story?!

Holy Potatoes! A Spy Story?! is a wacky spy agency sim where you manage your very own potato spy headquarters, train an elite spy team, and strategize top-secret missions while uncovering the truth behind an evil spy corporation.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32565025/2afbba31e329bd7a7ccb34575774d6557f6247b5.png[/img] Hey everyone, To celebrate the release of Holy Potatoes! A Spy Story?!, we are offering a [b]15% Loyalty Discount[/b] on Steam in the first week! If you own any of the previous Holy Potatoes! games (you know who you are, you awesome [strike]people[/strike] spuds), you will receive the discount when you purchase HPSPY. This discount will be applied on top of the discount from Holy Potatoes! A bundle?! as well :) [url=https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/2692/Holy_Potatoes_A_Bundle/] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32565025/260231e213f5e8eda328d22f9dfbd07690b74343.png[/img] [/url] (Click on the photo above to go to the bundle) Do remember, the Loyalty Discount will be available until [b]14th November[/b], so grab yours quick. Godspud, Daylight Studios