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<..." inertia> Hard Reset Redux Revamping Throwback FPS | Hard Reset Extended Edition | Gamehypes

Hard Reset Redux Revamping Throwback FPS

Hard Reset Extended Edition

Over-the-top destruction, loads of enemies &amp; a beautifully realized cyberpunk setting. Hard Reset is here to shake up the shooter scene. Try the demo now.

Shadow Warrior 2 looks pretty dang swish, doesn’t it? I’ve been pretty surprised by, and pleased with, how nicely Polish studio Flying Wild Hog’s revive-o-rebooting of 3D Realms’ vintage FPS has gone well. Now they’re also returning to their own older work.

Hard Reset Redux is coming, a revamp of the throwback FPS they released in 2011. It doesn’t sound massively different, with fancied-up graphics and new enemies and a sword and things, but hey, I know Hard Reset found a fair few fans.

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