Going Free To Play and other changes

Linx Battle Arena

Fast paced Third Person Shooter action across a range of CQB and open area maps. Starting with 1 gun and half health you will always be aware of how vulnerable you are. Play challenging single player games or invite friends to private mutiplayer games.

First up, I took LBA in the wrong direction after the release. I took it in a direction that was not really suited to the game. In-fact I kind of had rose tinted glasses on while taking the game in that direction and spent far too much time doing that! This drew me in to a slump where I felt like I had done too much to go back but I do back pretty much everything up as I go so I have the builds from just after release and I am going back to PRE single player (see next paragraph) where I have implemented the best NEW features. The game build as is right now has lots of AI wandering round Teriach Island, different cars, missions, a large open world and is purely single player based. This is not what I ever intended for LBA and so I have scrapped that version (i still have it of course but it will most likely never be released). It is pretty decent fun to play BUT again, not what LBA was ever meant to be so its pointless and has been a waist of time. [b]Moving forward![/b] What I am going to do is make the game free to play and make ingame cosmetics purchasable (this will include characters and clothing and some other stuff which will be announced soon enough). I did allot of work on the character creation system which was working pretty well. This allowed you to personalise your characters appearance and clothing. I am also going to remove the current scoring system as it is pretty much pointless and use Steam Achievements and Steam scoring instead. This will show people what you have actually done in the game with Achievement icons instead of just boring numbers. everything is still work in progress and as I am still working alone on the game, things take allot more time than if I had say 5 guys working with me. I will hopefully be able to get a road map done soon to let people see what I am looking to get done and in what order. LBA will probably never be finished. What I mean by this is that it will for ever be evolving in some way BUT it will always be playable as a multiplayer game. More news coming very soon..