Gift of GUPPI event extended throughout January

[h3]Happy New Year, everyone![/h3] We've decided to extend our holiday event to last throughout the rest of this month. This means you'll have a few more weeks to find the hidden gift box and to play around with the item it contains! The gift box and the holiday item will be in the game until [b]February 1st at 10am US Central Time[/b]. After that, you won't be able to find the gift box anywhere and the holiday item will no longer be in your inventory (if you collected it). We've read feedback from some of you about the potential downsides of limited-time content like this, so we will be keeping all of your comments in mind as we plan any future holiday events. If you don't get a chance to find the holiday item this time around, don't worry! We're thinking about adding a permanent mechanic that has a similar effect in a future update. Thank you all for making 2023 such a wonderful launch year for us. Here's to a great 2024! - Loddlenaut Team