1.0.2 Patch Notes - The “Gift of GUPPI” Update!

Hey everyone! We’ve been absolutely thrilled to see the positive response that Loddlenaut has received since its release last month, and we’ve spent the past few weeks working on a festive little update for all of you! Lots of quality-of-life changes and bug fixes in this one, plus a special limited-time gift that is hidden somewhere on GUP-14! Check out the full patch notes below for more details: [h2]A Gift from GUPPI?[/h2] [list] [*] A mysterious gift box has appeared in the waters of GUP-14! Who left it there? What does it contain?! You’ll need to explore the eastern parts of the ocean to find this yule-tide treasure… [*] This gift box (and the item it contains) will only be available from December 18th to January 4th, so be sure to find it while you can! [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Added an extra column of slots to the inventory, increasing the number of inventory slots from 16 to 20. [*] Added a 60-minute period of “biome protection” that is triggered whenever a biome is 100% cleaned. During this period, no goop or litter will respawn in that biome. [*] When the final biome is 100% cleaned, there is a “global protection” period that starts and prevents goop from respawning in all biomes. The duration of this protection period has been extended from 20 minutes to 60 minutes. It now also prevents litter from respawning during this period. [*] Loddles with the cleaning ability can now clear the goop off of nearby goopy loddles. The same goes for Purifier Bombs and Water Purifier stations. [*] Added tutorial messages for using the Scrap Vac and the Puddle Scrubber. [*] Added a controls prompt that displays whenever a structure is highlighted in the hotbar. [*] The Scrap Vac is now made available to order at the Shipping Station after entering Tangle Bay for the first time. The previous trigger for this unlock (entering a cloud of microplastics) is still active. [*] Shortened the delay before auto-deposit kicks in when holding a piece of litter in front of a Recycle Bot and increased the auto-deposit drop rate. [*] Changed color of goop particles below Puddle Scrubber to more closely match the color of the goop puddles. [*] Increased the text size of Options menu dropdown lists, Shipping Station flavor text, inventory item labels, and glyphs for LB / RB and LT / RT. [*] Improved visibility of “100% clean” text in the World Map. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue that caused dropped items to ignore collision with terrain. [*] Fixed an issue with Siren Form loddles having increased ability range and a shortened ability activation interval. [*] Fixed an issue that was causing the player and spaceship map icons to have slightly inaccurate positions, which was making it difficult to clear the top-right map segment. [*] Fixed an issue that was causing the screen to stay dark when opening the World Map immediately after fast traveling. [*] Fixed an issue with Light Beacons disabling their lights when the player got too close to them. [*] Fixed an issue with the Pause button detecting input while the Equipment Menu was open. Pressing the Pause button while in the Equipment Menu will now close the Equipment Menu. [*] Fixed an issue with the Inventory and Scanner buttons detecting input during the ending cutscene. [*] Fixed an issue with the "Feed a loddle" objective getting completed before it has been unlocked. [*] Fixed an issue with new objectives not getting properly saved if they were unlocked immediately after a fast travel, which would occur when fast traveling out of a biome that was just 100% cleaned for the first time. [*] Adjusted the targeting animation to result in fewer instances of the arm bending behind the player’s back when targeting an item immediately after boosting. [*] Mac - Fixed an issue with an Escape character being added to loddle names when renaming loddles via keyboard input. [/list] [b]EDIT[/b] (December 22) - Hotfix patch [b]1.0.21[/b] is now live with the following fix: [list] [*] Fixed an issue the "Feed a loddle" objective not completing if a loddle had already eaten food before the objective was unlocked. [/list] Happy holidays! - Loddlenaut Team