Hello everyone! We’ve just pushed a minor patch that fixes a few issues that were identified by the community since we released the Goddles Update.
[*] Added Crystal Crisp and Crispy Cookie to the “Diet” section of relevant evolution cards in the Loddlepedia.
[*] Fixed an issue that was causing litter that was destroyed due to the game reaching its item limit to not be removed from a biome's pollution tracking system.
[*] Fixed an issue that resulted in the Crafting Station menu occasionally displaying the incorrect item when it was opened while using a controller.
[*] Fixed an issue that resulted in certain patches of goop redundantly initializing themselves when a save file was loaded, which was increasing load times and causing crashes on Mac.
[*] Fixed an issue that was causing the tubey melons in the Main Menu to have their item sheen effect enabled.
[*] Fixed an issue that was causing following loddles to incorrectly pay attention to fruit that had just been plucked off a nearby plant by a non-following loddle.
[*] Fixed an issue that was causing lost loddles to not identify the Home Cove as a valid home location if they were cleaned and then followed the player back home after the player ran out of oxygen.
[*] Fixed an issue that was causing a biome’s clean objective to remain stuck at 99% when the biome was fully clean in-game. The game will now check for this situation and manually fix it when a save file is reloaded.
We’re now going to be taking a break from development, but we’ll still be paying attention to bug reports, so we appreciate you folks notifying us of any issues you encounter!
- Loddlenaut Team