Hello everyone!
We’ve got a small update for all of you! This patch should fix many of the day 1 bugs and address some common points of feedback. More improvements are in the works, but for now, check out the list below to see what we’ve changed and fixed!
[h2][b]Balance Changes:[/b][/h2]
[*] Reduced global goop respawn chance by 35%.
[*] Reduced global litter respawn chance by 60%.
[*] Litter and goop will now only respawn inside of biomes.
[*] Increased boost speed multiplier by 10%.
[*] Increased the duration of the default and upgraded boost.
[*] Reduced the boost meter recharge delay.
[*] Increased boost meter regeneration speed.
[*] Increased default Scrap Vac capacity from 10,000 to 15,000 microplastics.
[*] Increased upgraded Scrap Vac capacity from 15,000 to 30,000 microplastics.
[*] Increased Scrap Vac deposit speed.
[*] Increased brightness of all glowing effects on the Scrap Vac to make the capacity meter more noticeable.
[*] Loddles will now seek out fruit growing from plants when they’re hungry. Previously, this food-seeking behavior only triggered once they became starving.
[h2][b]Bug Fixes:[/b][/h2]
[*] Fixed an issue that allowed the Storage, Fast Travel, Shipping, and Crafting Menus to be opened while in structure placement mode.
[*] Fixed an issue that caused following loddles to not remove themselves from the “following player” list when they were released into the open ocean, which was eventually resulting in no new loddles being able to follow you.
[*] Fixed an issue with the Equipment Menu being opened on top of the World Map menu if the two buttons were pressed on the same frame.
[*] Added additional targeting logic to detect when an item has somehow become lodged inside of a wall or other collider. Those items will now be targetable and collectable.
[*] Fixed an issue with favorite fruits not giving loddles an extra boost of happiness.
[*] Fixed an issue with Puffer Form loddles having increased ability range and a shortened ability activation interval.
That’s all for now! Huge thanks to everyone who has played the game, given us a review, and provided feedback on the Steam forums or in our Discord server. We’ll see you in the next update!
- Loddlenaut Team