"ghostpia Season One" Game play demo(rebroadcasting)

ghostpia Season One

"In my dreams, I can get out. In my dreams, I can fit in." 'ghostpia' mixes the adorable art style of an illustrated book with glitches-and-noise effects. There are no choices to be made. There's only a lonely girl in a ghost town and her story full of mystery, friendhood...and a bit of violence.

This is a playthrough of the Episode 3 one hour of "ghostpia Season One". *This broadcast is a rebroadcasting of a previously broadcast play. The content is identical to the previous broadcast. If you are interested in the game, please download the demo version. Don't forget to add it to your wishlist! "ghostpia Season One" is participating in the Visual Novel Fest! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43153447/cf60ef7f1e0fbd373fabc10fbec1318ae2f65c1c.png[/img] ghostpia Season One Steam Page [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2192620/ghostpia_Season_One/]https://store.steampowered.com/app/2192620/ghostpia_Season_One/[/url] ghostpia Official Website [url=https://ghostpia.xyz/en]https://ghostpia.xyz/en[/url]