Behind the Scenes of ghostpia's Creation: Introducing Our Exclusive Tool

ghostpia Season One

"In my dreams, I can get out. In my dreams, I can fit in." 'ghostpia' mixes the adorable art style of an illustrated book with glitches-and-noise effects. There are no choices to be made. There's only a lonely girl in a ghost town and her story full of mystery, friendhood...and a bit of violence.

[b]※This article was originally written in Japanese and has been translated into English via machine translation. Therefore, we apologize if there are any unnatural expressions.[/b] Greetings to all, we are Chosuido, the development team behind "ghostpia Season One." From July 15th to 17th, 2023, BitSummit was held in Kyoto, Japan. We were honored to have many of you try out ghostpia at the event. To everyone who visited, we extend our heartfelt thanks! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43153447/1860745693412764720d118b798a79be37f130e3.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43153447/e8aaf46c21227866d19dceacb835b540d66b6ea7.jpg[/img] Now, allow us to introduce you to the development tools used for "ghostpia Season One." This title was developed utilizing Unity. Utilizing Unity offers various advantages, such as making it easier to create diverse expressions by combining various elements, and providing benefits for multi-platform development. (Once upon a time, Japanese visual novels often adopted game engines like KiriKiri. Even today, it remains something wonderful!) However, our approach involves more than merely adopting Unity. For "ghostpia Season One," we have used a powerful tool specifically crafted for the game. This tool is called "Noelarium." In many visual novel engines, scripts must be written to display text or apply effects. Although this method has its merits, scripting can become complex when using numerous images and effects for advanced direction, making intuitive implementation challenging. Scripts are written as shown in the image below. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43153447/ee5253c2cdb48f855fd762526f92875630045b34.png[/img] On the other hand, Noelarium allows for a more visual and understandable description of direction. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43153447/3c84f21d31d572b1509a41244d820a2e9327bb0a.png[/img] Noelarium is a so-called node-based editor, where each node corresponds to a specific command. This offers the benefit of visually comprehending the flow of direction more easily. Additionally, it allows for immediate previewing without the need for a rebuild, enabling more intuitive crafting of direction. Creating certain scenes could be somewhat cumbersome using a script-based approach, but a node-based system allows for more comfortable development. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43153447/4d337c9686d87d14cdc0bf642c8b0acbb83626d4.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43153447/357af1b492e8bae34ee3e03f2a062c1f7f3ae530.gif[/img] This was absolutely essential for ghostpia, which employs a vast array of assets and places a strong emphasis on visual art, even going so far as to describe itself as "A movie you can read." With intricate direction crafted through this special tool, we eagerly invite you to anticipate "ghostpia Season One." "ghostpia Season One" is slated for release this summer. Please look forward to further updates.