Demo Save Data Carry Over

ghostpia Season One

"In my dreams, I can get out. In my dreams, I can fit in." 'ghostpia' mixes the adorable art style of an illustrated book with glitches-and-noise effects. There are no choices to be made. There's only a lonely girl in a ghost town and her story full of mystery, friendhood...and a bit of violence.

Your save data from ghostpia Season One Demo can be carried over to the full version of the game. If you load the full version of the game on the same device where you have been playing the demo, you can instantly pick up from where you left off. If you want to carry over your demo save data to a different device, follow these steps: [olist] [*] Download ghostpia Season One Demo on the device where you want to play the full version of the game [*] Open ghostpia Season One Demo and the save data from the device where you had previously played the demo will be downloaded on the new device [*] Play the full version of the game on your new device with the save data carried over from your previous device. [/olist] Prepare to play the full version of the game by carrying over your save data from the demo.