Free prologue with new boss and secret mission!

Strategy & Tactics: Dark Ages

Dark Ages is a tactical digital board game set in the violent world of alternate Middle Ages. Vikings against war elephants, musketeers against the Mongol cavalry, ancient phalanx legions against crusaders; the deadliest armies in history clashing in bloody war.

Greetings! We are excited to present the new and mysterious free game [url=]Union of Gnomes: Prologue[/url]. It combines the creepy atmosphere of dark fantasy, cheerful humor, and, of course, the daring gnomes desperately fighting for their freedom and independence. [previewyoutube=atZ26XQlAEQ;full][/previewyoutube] Lead a motley crew of guerrillas to free your captured comrades and escape the tyranny of the ruthless Snow White. For the tenacious players, we've hidden a secret quest within the prologue—conquering it will bring you closer to solving the mystery of the eighth gnome! Look for the clue in the video! Here's what you'll find in the game: [list] [*] One new, unique and terribly dangerous mission! [*] A dangerous new boss! [*] A secret quest! [*] A lot of well-known – and not so well-known – fairy tale characters who fight on the side of evil, trying to suppress and destroy the gnomes! [*] Create unusual combos with your gnome cards to reach the end of the prologue or die with honor! [/list] Once you've finished the prologue (and added [url=]Union of Gnomes[/url] to your Steam Wishlist), you can look forward to the full story of the gnomes' heroic adventures as they fight for their freedom in the full game. The gnomes stand for freedom and the right not to impose subjugation on anyone else! Don't forget to recommend the game to your friends and favorite streamers, share your impressions, and leave a review. Freedom to Gnomes! Union of Gnomes Team