FORECLOSED is a narrative-driven action-adventure set in a Cyberpunk world filled with action, suspense, and experimental augmentations. Follow the story of Evan Kapnos in this sleek comic book styled game as he unravels the conspiracy behind his identity foreclosure. Who is responsible and why?
Hey everyone!
We are very excited to have opened up the futuristic world of FORECLOSED to players!
We've been listening to all of your feedback and have been working hard on bug reports. We'll have an update for you soon on the details of the first patch.
Keep that feedback coming and thank you for stepping into the shoes of Evan Kapnos and playing FORECLOSED!
If you haven't seen it yet, be sure to check out the [url=]official launch trailer[/url] and FORECLOSED is available to buy right now [url=]here[/url]!
[url=]FORECLOSED Steam Page.[/url]
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