Features and Fixes


NUTS is a single-player walking simulator surveillance mystery. Record the squirrels, report your findings, and piece together what’s really going on in Melmoth Forest.

Hey everyone, thank you so much for all the love and reviews so far. We are thrilled with the reception, and want to keep making the game better in response to community feedback. This patch includes [list] [*][b][feature][/b] - Some streamers with Ultrawide monitors requested a way to play in windowed mode. It can be found in the settings menu. [*][b][feature][/b] - Added keyboard redundancies for AZERTY keyboards (Q/A and Z/W are the same), and an alternate way to use the handheld devices: you can use H to cycle handhelds if you can't use alphanumerics. [*][b][bugfix][/b] - Dutch language had a few changes to soft-lock (e.g. Player can't hang up phone) in a few places., caused by the localization entries not having exact matches of line-count. I built a safety check and also combed over the localization file and pulled out all the offending entries. Shouldn't happen again! [*][b][bugfix][/b] - The fax achievement was broken, and is now fixed! Sorry about this. [*][b][bugfix][/b] - Fixed bug that places camera out of bounds and makes you unable to pick it up again. [*] [/list]