Espire 1: VR Operative Patch 1.2.3 Is Now Live

Espire 1: VR Operative

The future of VR action is now. Experience unprecedented stealth gameplay as you step into the shoes of the deadly Espire Agents with Espire 1: VR Operative. Sneak, shoot or do both. The choice is yours.

This updated addresses the following items: [list] [*]Implemented a setting to change between hold-to-grip and toggle grip. [*]Fixed an issue where players were still seeing their motion controller in-game. [*]Added a Brightness option to the Display menu, allowing players to adjust overall brightness. [*]Fixed an issue where environmental objects were stunning guards without being, first, disturbed by a player. [*]Fixed an issue where players could incorrectly pause the game while inside the checkpoint airlock after reloading their saved mission progress. [*]Fixed an issue where the user would fall through the world after possessing certain Espire units while in the checkpoint Airlock after reloading saved mission progress. [*]Fixed lighting issues in the Radiata Virtual Challenge. [*]Improved the ease of use for “slider bars” in the game’s UI. [/list] Thank you for your continued feedback and reports Agents.