Empire Chronicles (Version 2.2.0) - Major Update

Empire Chronicles

Turn Based Strategy RPG. With complex skills, sprawling world and intricate storyline.

[b]Empire Chronicles (Version 2.2.0) - Major Update[/b] [list] [*] Can now use the map table in Ashtondale keep to send your troops on missions. [*] Ashtondale Village can be unlocked via a troop mission. [*] Can recruit npcs to move into your village and work for you. [*] Bug Fix: Updated the upgrade color to be consistant for all skills. [*] Bug Fix: Triple Slice to Omni Slice upgrade description did not mentioning the increased hit count. [*] Bug Fix: Punctuation fix for Last Stand and Last Stand+ descriptions. [*] Bug Fix: On Parn's skill tree you could not check the description of Sweeping Strikes ++ to ++++ after purchasing them. [*] Bug Fix: Blindside++ description said 25% Blind chance instead of 75%. [*] Bug Fix: Unleash++++ and * description said 5 attacks instead of 6. [*] Bug Fix: Reprieve Strike was missing the HP icon when mentioning regen. [*] Bug Fix: Intercept description had the Defense stat icon when mentioning defending allies. [*] Bug Fix: Cleaned up the description of Berserker Stance+++. [*] Bug Fix: Draining Assault+++ incorrectly mentioned MP. [*] Bug Fix: Cleaned up the description of Wound. [*] Bug Fix: Heavy Blow was dealing 0 damage. [*] Bug Fix: Multi-Slice was incorrectly increasing the ST cost each level. [*] Bug Fix: Flaming Whirl was not opening for Parn, Corwyn and Dorian. [*] Bug Fix: Fixed up the Improved Whirlwind's description. [*] Bug Fix: Having Katrina learn the Summon Lesser Demon skill caused a level 1 Lesser Demon to join your party. [*] Bug Fix: updated Tantra Magic description mention the HP and PP heal. [*] Bug Fix: Extend Elements+++ description was saying 3 turns instead of 4. [*] Bug Fix: Rend Armor+++ description had 2 periods. [*] Bug Fix: Soul Drain did not mention it replaces Soul Leech. [*] Bug Fix: Demon and Darkgod Bolt did not mention they replace the previous version. [*] Bug Fix: Fixed a spelling mistake on Swan's buffing songs. [*] Bug Fix: After learning Devastating Fist, Snake Stance, you can't click on them again to check their stats. [*] Bug Fix: Fixed a spelling mistake in Wave Fist and Rapid Fist's description. [*] Bug Fix: Updated Scorpion Stance+ to explain how much increased poison dmg it gives. [*] Bug Fix: Updated Ki Shout++, Resonating Blow description to mention they apply Power Break and Armor Break respectively. [*] Bug Fix: Removed Detox empty Upgrade section. [*] Bug Fix: Rapid Fist was not applying global cooldown correctly. [*] Bug Fix: Fixed a grammar mistake in Taunt Heal + and ++ descriptions. [*] Bug Fix: Mark of Justice's upgrade description was missing the PP icon. [*] Bug Fix: Holy Sword was missing PP gain in the base description. [*] Bug Fix: Careful Aim++'s upgrade did not mention the luck buff increasing by 10%. [*] Bug Fix: Careful Aim+++'s description did not mention the mp reduction. [*] Bug Fix: Hunter's Mark description did not mention the debuff to agility and luck once added. [*] Bug Fix: Kill Shot++ had 2 upgrades descriptions. [*] Bug Fix: Disengage did not mention the crt evasion and pp gain in the main description once added. [*] Bug Fix: Fixed a spelling mistake in Toxic Scatter and Ricochet. [*] Bug Fix: Kill Shot was not working on targets below the damage threshold. [*] Bug Fix: Lance+++ description had a missing icon. [*] Bug Fix: Sweep+++ had incorrect AT by 25% instead of 50%. [*] Bug Fix: Flame Shield+++ description said it gives 25% agility instead of 50%. [*] Bug Fix: Could not check the descriptions for the basic versions of Jump and Recovery Jump in the skill grid. [*] Bug Fix: Recovery Jump++ said it recovers 10% MP instead of 15%. [*] Bug Fix: Precise Thrust +++ had two upgrade texts. [*] Bug Fix: Wind Rider description was incorrect. [*] Bug Fix: Sky Grinder jump was buggy. [*] Bug Fix: Arman/Scarlett's Uncanny Dodge Perk was missing icon. [*] Bug Fix: Scarlett's Uncanny Reflex Perk was missing icon. [*] Bug Fix: Arman's Perk that's right below Shuriken was not displaying description after purchase. [*] Bug Fix: Dorian's Perk that's right next to his Start was not displaying description after purchase. [*] Bug Fix: Equipment nodes could not be viewed after being unlocked. [*] Bug Fix: The Armor Proficiency Perk changed to say Defense instead of Armor. [*] Bug Fix: Alert's description repeated the same thing twice. [*] Bug Fix: Arcane Defense Perk description had a spelling mistake. [*] Bug Fix: Divore Castle Portal Spawns were buggy and offsetting the spawn each time by 1. [*] Bug Fix: Fixed an issue in Stronghold Pass where an entrance to the under cave was not triggering. [*] Bug Fix: Newgame+ Sasha's level was resetting to 10 when first meeting her. [/list]