Empire Chronicles (Version 2.3.0) - Major Update

Empire Chronicles

Turn Based Strategy RPG. With complex skills, sprawling world and intricate storyline.

[b]Empire Chronicles (Version 2.3.0) - Major Update[/b] [list] [*] Item Popup now shows rarity color. [*] Weapon/Armor drops on victory screen now shows rarity color. [*] 79 New Uniques. [*] -------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] New Type of chest, guaranteed to contain a unique item. [*] Crown of Flames: +30% crit Fire, Meteor, Meteor Swarm, Fire Storm [*] Kronk's Amulet: remove dmg cap from Reckless Strikes) by passes enemy defenses [*] Assassin's Cloak: +20% crit Shuriken [*] Kronk's Armor: remove dmg cap from heavy blow) by passes enemy defenses [*] Shaman's Belt: remove healing totem and flametongue mp cost [*] Lucky Boots: decreases wild strike hit penalty by 10% [*] Ethereal Sash: Dodge and Blur also give 75% magic evasion [*] Daredevil Belt: Daredevil Belt: increases Advance, Gamble Strike, Reckless Strikes and Wild Strikes’ crit rate by 20% and crit damage by 50%. [*] Helm of Obsession: Tunnel Vision also grants Might and Haste [*] Hemomancer’s Gloves: HP drained by Draining Assault becomes a shield instead. [*] Blademaster Gloves: Unleash, Omni slice and multi-slice will ignore enemy defenses [*] Ring of Commitment: Power Attack, Lunge and Overcharge ignore enemy defenses and break damage cap [*] Frenetic Gloves: Rapid Fist, Jab and Quick Slice deal double damage [*] Custodian’s Shield: Intercept, Brace duration doubled [*] Spiked Shield: +50% crit rate to Rampage [*] Ocean Ring: increase Aqua Burst, Water, Water Jet, Tidal Wave, Tsunami damage by 30% [*] Orpheus's Gloves: Requiem ignores enemy defenses [*] Ring of Permafrost: Chill, Razor Shards and Blizzard will ignore enemy defenses and double duration of frozen [*] Boots of Tundra: Ice Armor also increases Ice damage dealt by the user by 50% while active [*] Amulet of Darkness: Dark Conduit increases dark damage by 100% instead [*] Flame Amulet: Flame Shock, Flametongue +30% crit rate [*] Gale Tome: Wind Shear and Wind Slash +30% crit rate [*] Gaia Tome: Stomp and Earthern Fury ignore defense [*] Thunder Tome: Shock, Lightning, Thunderbolts, Stormbolts, Spark, Storm Clouds +30% crit rate [*] Tome of Decay: doubles effectiveness of Curse and Weakness’s wisdom debuffs [*] Lich’s Bracers: Life Leech, Life Drain, Mortal Coil and Mass Drain, HP drained becomes a shield instead. [*] Bright Amulet: Clear Eyes also raises the grants 50% accuracy and 25% crit. [*] Slumber Quiver: Sleep targets one additional target. [*] Elemental Quiver: Flame and Cold Arrow ignore enemy defenses and can break the damage cap. [*] Book of Light: Smite, Piercing Smite, Holy crit rate +30% [*] Holy Ring: Holy ignores enemy defenses and break damage cap. [*] Taichi Belt: Ki Blast and Ki Shout ignore enemy defenses. [*] Asura’s Belt: Spear hand Strike and Devastating Strike ignore defense and can break the damage cap. [*] Enchanter’s Belt: Fire/Ice Brand also add faith and 25% crit. [*] Chaser’s Belt: True Strike also increases Attack by 50%. [*] Wind Helm: Wind Rider, Sky High crit rate +30%. [*] Phasing Greaves: Blink Drop and Blink Strikes ignore defense. [*] Gravity Ring: Blink Drop ignores damage cap. [*] Serpent Ring: Toxic Vial ignores defense. [*] Leaping Ring: Jump, Recovery Jump and Sky Grinder ignore defense and the damage cap. [*] Lancer’s Amulet: Heavy Thrust, Piercing Thrust, Finishing Thrust ignore defense and damage cap. [*] Soaring Amulet: Winds of Change also grants Haste to all allies. [*] Serpentine Gloves: Sweep inflicts Staggered. [*] Swift Shield: Shield Bash and Shield Cower become swift skills with 0 AT cost. [*] Punishing Gloves: Buff Break, Sunder Attack and Sunder Defense become Swift with no PP cost. [*] Guardian’s Amulet: Defensive Shout, Mend Wounds, and Taunt become swift with 0 AT cost. [*] Sniper’s Belt: Crippling Shot becomes Swift and only costs 0 AT. [*] Ring of Meditation: Mantra and Inner Calm become swift with 0 AT cost. [*] Assassin's Mask: Shukuchi becomes swift with 0 AT cost. [*] Syphoning Gloves: Soul Leech, Soul Drain and Mana Leech become Swift with 0 AT cost. [*] Spearman’s Legguards: Piercing Strike, Lance, Dark Thrust, Multi-Thrust become Swift with 0 AT cost. [*] Victorious Amulet: removes ST cost of Rally. [*] Hunter’s Quiver: Careful Aim, Hunter’s Mark and Empowered Shots no longer cost PP. [*] Sharpshooter Gloves: Barrage and Volley +50% crit damage. [*] Fencer Belt: Thousand Cuts no longer costs PP. [*] Amulet of Speed: Regen also grants Haste to the target. [*] Gloves of Stealth: Ambush, Sneak Attack and Kill Combo ignore defense. [*] Wilderness Belt: Entering Snake, Wolf, Eagle and Scorpion Stance also increases crit rate by 25% for 2 turns. [*] Conductive Gloves: Shock, Lightning, Thunderbolts, Stormbolts, Spark and Storm Clouds ignore defenses against Wet targets. [*] Inquisitor Gloves: Mark of Justice additionally increases all damage received by 15%. [*] Divine Tome: Holy Circle also grants Death Ward for 1 turns to all allies. [*] Ring of Judgement: Prayer inflicts Power/Armor/Magic/Wisdom Break on all enemies. [*] Vampyr Set: 7 pieces of equipment, each increases damage dealt to enemies with Bleed by 10% [*] Scorpion Set: 7 pieces of equipment, each increases damage dealt to enemies with poison or venom by 10% [*] Torturer’s Gloves: deals 40% more damage against enemies with Heal Break. [*] Arsonist’s Gloves: +40% damage when attacking Burning targets. [*] -------------------------------------------------------------------- [*] The blockade south of Warrington is now open once Ashtondale Keep is active. [*] Wind Slash: Removed MP cost. [*] Rally: Removed PP cost. [*] Bug Fix: Orphos's stability passive was missing basic info. [*] Bug Fix: Greater Orbs, Parrying Scrolls, and Shroud Scrolls should now drop from lvl45+. [/list]