Empire Chronicles (Version 2.1.6) - Minor Update

Empire Chronicles

Turn Based Strategy RPG. With complex skills, sprawling world and intricate storyline.

[b]Empire Chronicles (Version 2.1.6) - Minor Update[/b] [list] [*] Bug Fix: Fixed another small pathing issues in Eliath Loren Sanctorium. [*] Bug Fix: Sasha's alert perk is now working properly. [*] Bug Fix: Fixed an inaccessible treasure chest in The Golden Brush shop in D'ivore. [*] Bug Fix: Moved one of the wall cracks in Ashtondale Keep so it's not blocked by Sheridan. [*] Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with the Private Stefan supply quest. [*] Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with double cast having the incorrect icon on the skill grid. [*] Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where steam could cause double cast to not trigger properly. [*] Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where invigorate was showing the incorrect description in the skill grid. [*] Bug Fix: Fixed description of Mass stone skin to refrence allies instead of target. [*] Bug Fix: Finishing Thrust Soul Trigger was not hiding when attaining Finishing Thrust+ [*] Bug Fix: Sky High skill description was incorrect [*] Bug Fix: Death from Above +++ was incorrectly single target. [*] Bug Fix: Thousand Cuts, Rally, Healing Rain did not show the Soul Trigger Icon in the Skill Grid, instead using regular skill icons. [*] Bug Fix: Double Elemental Strike Soul Triggers were doing only 1 hit instead of 2. [*] Bug Fix: Updated Charge ++ and +++ to say 30 PP instead of 25. [*] Bug Fix: Toxic Vial +++ had no upgrade description. [/list]