Element Studios Plans for 2023

Element TD 2 - Tower Defense

Element TD 2 sees you combine powerful elements to create unique towers. Prove your defenses against challenging foes, and compete or cooperate with others to determine who has mastered the elements.

Greetings! It's been a little while since we last posted. 2 months ago, we released the [b]Mazing DLC[/b], and it's gotten overall positive reception. Player counts for the game have been up since then, and we've seen a good influx of new and returning players. As for us, we've been working quietly in the background, both on [b]Element TD 2[/b]... and maybe a new project. Below is a list of upcoming things we're working on: [hr][/hr] [h2][b]Version 1.9[/b][/h2] Coming on Friday, March 31st, we'll be releasing [b]Version 1.9[/b]. This will be the last major patch for the game (for the foreseeable future). Contained within it will be [b]2 More Mazing Co-op Maps[/b], one last round of [b]Cosmetics[/b], balance updates, resets for [b]Ranked & Score Leaderboards[/b], and various fixes. Speaking of those [b]Co-op Mazing Maps[/b], we're looking for designs to implement. If you've got a cool idea you want to see added to the game, hop onto [url=https://discord.gg/W7FWK8w]our Discord[/url] and post it in #map-ideas! Some things to consider:[list] [*]People really like the [b]Space[/b] map, especially due to how open it is plus how abusable the [b]Checkpoints[/b] are. We want to make use of [b]Checkpoints[/b] for at least one of these two maps. [*]Path lengths can only go so long before it imposes a framerate drop. So for example, if all the paths are capable of circling the map twice over, that's unfortunately a no-go. [/list] We'll be locking in which designs we implement within the next 2 weeks. [hr][/hr] [h2][b]Another Tournament![/b][/h2] Sometime during Q2 2023, we'll be doing another [b]Tournament[/b]. This time, the settings will be:[list] [*][b]Map[/b]: Random, Non-Variant [*][b]Difficulty[/b]: Very Hard [*][b]Element Selection[/b]: [u]Pick[/u] [*][b]Length[/b]: Full [*][b]Paths[/b]: Standard [*][b]Wave Order[/b]: [u]Normal[/u] [/list] As for whether it's [b]Mazing[/b] or not, we'd actually like your input on that. On one hand, the game is not balanced around [b]Mazing[/b]. On the other hand, it's fresh and seems to be the preferable game mode. Be aware that [b]Casual[/b] will [u]not[/u] be on, meaning you can't immediately go for the longest maze and stall a ton of interest. That said, comment below which you'd prefer! We'll also be running a poll on [url=https://discord.gg/W7FWK8w]our Discord[/url]. [hr][/hr] [h2][b]Next Project Announcement![/b][/h2] By the end of Q1 2023, we'll be formally announcing out next game project! We've been silently working on it on the background for some time now. For the time being, know that it's a [b]Tower Defense[/b], and it's [u]not related[/u] to [b]Element TD 2[/b]. When we announce it, expect a short trailer, some info, and a release window! Fret not, although our resources are shifting to the next project, [b]Element TD 2[/b] is not forgotten! We've got a few more things to look forward to over here. [hr][/hr] Just to clarify, we'll continue updating [b]Element TD 2[/b] throughout the year, it's just that after 1.9, the fixes will be focused on bug fixes and quality of life. Otherwise, that's what we've been working on lately! Apologies if we've been quiet on that front, but with work split between two game projects, we've been quite busy. Look forward to our upcoming stuff this year!