2nd Non-Mazing Tournament

Element TD 2 - Tower Defense

Element TD 2 sees you combine powerful elements to create unique towers. Prove your defenses against challenging foes, and compete or cooperate with others to determine who has mastered the elements.

We've got another [b]Element TD 2 Tournament[/b] coming up, this time for [b]Non-Mazing Pick[/b]! Sign-ups start now. Though before we move on to the rules, let's address a little something... [hr][/hr] [h2][b]Why isn't it Mazing?[/b][/h2] For those of you on our [b]Discord[/b], you may recall us doing a poll sometime back asking if you'd prefer this tournament to be [b]Mazing[/b] or [b]Non-Mazing[/b], and the response was majority [b]Mazing[/b] by a long shot. We want it to be [b]Mazing[/b] as well, but unfortunately, there's a bug that we have no explanation for that only happens in multiplayer. Numerous folks have reported this issue where, in [b]Mazing[/b], creeps will spontaneously just ignore the grid. Sometimes it involves walking through your towers, and sometimes it involves walking over the terrain itself. The weirdest part about this bug is that it doesn't happen in [b]Replays[/b], meaning that on the client, it's working perfectly fine. Because of that, we've decided we cannot, in good conscience, run this tournament as [b]Mazing[/b]. Should we ever find a fix for this bug, then we may consider running a [b]Mazing[/b] tourney in the future, but for now, this one in particular will be [b]Non-Mazing[/b]. We apologize for the false promise. Now without further ado, let's move on to sign-ups and rules! [hr][/hr] [h2][b]How to Sign Up[/b][/h2] [b]Sign-ups[/b] for the [b]2nd Element TD 2 Tournament[/b] are now live! We'll be organizing the tournament through the [b]Discord[/b]. That said, here's how to enter:[list] [*]If you haven't already, [url=https://discord.gg/W7FWK8w]join our Discord[/url]. [*]Next, there's a channel on there called [b]#tournament-signup[/b]. Go there and comment with your name in that channel.[list] [*]Please note that the name you enter here should be the name you use on both Discord and Steam during the event. [/list][/list] Signups will close on [b]June 3rd[/b] or when a maximum of 128 participants have entered. [hr][/hr] [h2][b]When and Where?[/b][/h2] The tournament will be played online, and it'll run [u]June 17th-18th[/u]. Each day of the event, we'll start at the following time:[list] [*]10am PDT (US) [*]7pm CET (EU) [*]1am CST (Asia) [/list] On the first day of the event, players are expected to check in half an hour before the first match starts. Depending on the number of participants, the number of matches per set may vary. Each day is expected to run upwards of 4-6 hours. [hr][/hr] [h2][b]Rules[/b][/h2] All matches shall be played in accordance with the established rules of a [b]Ranked Pick[/b] game:[list] [*][b]Map[/b]: Random, Non-variant [*][b]Difficulty[/b]: Very Hard [*][b]Element[/b]: Pick [*][b]Length[/b]: Short [*][b]Paths[/b]: Standard [*][b]Game Speed[/b]: Turbo Lite (x1.5) [*][b]Interest[/b]: Enabled [*][b]Tower Ban Phase[/b]: Enabled [/list] [b]Conditions[/b]:[list] [*]Anything possible within the bounds of the game mechanics is allowed. [*]The winner is determined by which player lives the longest before the boss waves, or scores the highest if the game reaches boss waves. [*]At the end of a match all players must submit a screenshot of the results, along with a replay of the match in the dedicated channel or thread on the discord to confirm the results. [*]In the event of a [b]Desync[/b], the following applies:[list] [*]The one with the [b]Most Lives[/b] before the [b]Desync[/b] wins that match. [*]If lives are identical, we go by number of [b]First Wave Clears[/b]. [/list] [*]Using the in-game chat for [u]any kind of harassment[/u] over the course of a game is warrant for [u]immediate disqualification[/u]. [/list] [hr][/hr] [h2][b]Discord Info[/b][/h2] The [url=https://discord.gg/W7FWK8w]Discord[/url] will have three channels dedicated to the tournament that will later be closed when the tournament is over:[list] [*][b]#tournament-info[/b] - Used for tournament information updates. Participants will be tagged in important posts. [*][b]#tournament-signup[/b] - Sign up here! You have until [b]June 3rd[/b] to do so. [*][b]#tournament-discussion[/b] - Feel free to ask questions, hype up the tournament, talk about past matches, etc. As long as it's relevant to the [b]Tournament[/b]. [*][b]#tournament-matches[/b] - Here, threads will be created for each match. These threads are then used to organize the games, communicate with the other players, and post the results at the end of each game. [/list] [hr][/hr] [h2][b]Prizes[/b][/h2] The Top 3 will receive an [b]Element TD T-Shirt[/b] as well as cash prizes:[list] [*][b]1st Place[/b]: $250 [*][b]2nd Place[/b]: $100 [*][b]3rd Place[/b]: $50 [/list] [hr][/hr] [h2][b]Casting[/b][/h2] Lastly, if you are interested in [u]casting/streaming[/u] these matches, please reach out and let us know on the [b]Discord[/b]. We'd love to have as many games casted as possible! [hr][/hr] Once again, we apologize that it's not [b]Mazing[/b]. Regardless, we hope you'll enter the tournament and ultimately have fun!