We're releasing a new update that should improve the player's experience.
First new things:
- MP: a draft screen where you and your opponent are able to choose your crew members: depending on your choice, you will be able to go for one strategy or the other. It's really a rush game so the entities you start with are crucial. Hopefully there should be more players on the MP soon so I could have some feedbacks about this.
- MP: a "handicap" that depends on the number of games you're able to win. The handicap is an evaluation of your strength and something that will give you a slight disadvantages on the field: the more handicap you have, the further you start from the nebula's centre. It's not much, but enough to balance the encounters between pure newbie and more experienced players. New players (less than 5 victories) basically start in the middle of the starfield, where there are plenty of stars.
- Single: music and sound have been greatly improved, featuring 4 new (and exceptional) tracks from Ryan + a new soundscape for the "destiny map" (it's really nice to move the map around, almost physical).
- Single and MP: a new and, I hope, improved control scheme. I have always been a bit unsure about how to the special actions, it's kind of messy with the the two mouse buttons. So to make things simplier, I decided to go for this: left button = selection & movement, right button = special action (including merging/division). It should make sense when you try it.
Corrections and other stuffs:
- Single and MP: Every entity (except the ones who are guarding a portal) will start the level with just one star. This gives a bit more time at the start of a level to decide on a strategy or another (everyone will have to gather stars before attempting anything).
- Single: a new portal activation animation and sound, when an enemy is spawned and when you "secure" one of your entities.
- Single: many bugs, among which: bug when Lamia tries to "convert" an enemy, bug when multiple entities try to activate a portal (generally there shouldn't be any more portal activation bug), Erynies' bug,...
- Single: AI has been reworked. It should be more logical yet still a bit surprising. You may have noticed that at some point in the game, your enemy will decide to go for different actions (generally attacking you in a coordinated manner). That happens when there's a leader among your opponent (generally the one that's not doing like the others). These orders will less often result in a direct and difficult to avoid frontal attack. There will also be rebels that are not following the leader's orders + correction of some bugs (like when entities gather on a point).
- Single: many improvements to the UI (you don't have to drag things around anymore).
- Single: AI is now able to use Orion and Aether abilities.
- Single: there's really no reason for you to wait for a portal activation when there's no more enemy around so it's a lot quicker to do that when you're alone on the map.
- Single: reworked a bit the difficulty curve. You should meet equal force after the 5th run (then it escalates a bit :-).
That's about it (among a lot of small tweaks along the way).
Release date should be announced soon, I'm working on a very rad trailer for DS I can't wait to share with you :).