1.05 - Chaos, language, resolution

This is a small update following the feedbacks I received after the launch. - Chaos maximum attraction power will not be achieved as quickly as before. Chaos is still a very powerful unit, but at least is shouldn't be totally unstoppable :-). Note that a large Briareos can beat even a very large Chaos. - You can now switch between the languages (for now, English and French), in the options. - It seems like a couple of players have resolutions issues on Mac. If that happens to you (black screen or flickering screen), try to press "R", "E" and "S" at the same time. This will force the Window mode (800*600) and erase any faulty resolution settings. If you restart the game then, it should apply your desktop resolution. If it still doesn't work, please contact me. - Solved a small UI problem when you open the reference tree in the Destiny Map. If you have feedbacks, problems, please contact me, I'm checking the discussion page fairly often. I'm glad so many people enjoy the game! Please leave reviews, it helps a lot! best regards, François (the gamedev)