Early Access Status Update

Tricone Lab

A unique abstract puzzle game with an emphasis on lateral thinking. Use catalysts to build compounds and manipulate cell structures. 100 puzzle levels and a level editor to create your own custom puzzle designs.

Hello everyone, it’s been a while since I last gave you an update so I thought I’d give you an overview of what’s happened so far in early access. As a solo developer working on this on top of a full-time job, this has been a long process, but a really rewarding one, and all your feedback and input has been hugely appreciated. Here’s a breakdown of the four key areas that have been improved upon in Early Access: 1. Difficulty curve has been improved to create a more rewarding experience and help players progress more naturally through the game. 2. A number of new and improved Steam Achievements have been implemented. 3. A number of bug-fixes and other graphical improvements. 4. Full testing and improvement of the level editing and sharing capabilities As well as all this, a good number of community-created maps have been given “approved” status as part of Tricone Lab Online’s quality control procedures. There are now 4 additional maps containing 20 levels. These can all be found on the Tricone Lab Community Server. You can find full breakdowns of the above updates here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/392610/allnews/ [img=https://media.giphy.com/media/xUA7b88f7rOVptQRR6/giphy.gif] Keep an eye out for more Tricone news this week - I've got some exciting news to share. Thanks, Josh