Version 1.1.0 (Redux)

Tricone Lab

A unique abstract puzzle game with an emphasis on lateral thinking. Use catalysts to build compounds and manipulate cell structures. 100 puzzle levels and a level editor to create your own custom puzzle designs.

Key updates [list] [*] [b]Native Fullscreen mode is supported.[/b] Select it using "Window type" in the launcher dialog. [*] [b]Game no longer requires a separate Java download[/b]. It has its own private JRE. [*] Updates to some default graphics settings. [*] Removed UI items related to deprecated online features. [*] 32-bit Windows is no longer supported. [/list] The game will keep your settings and game progress from previous local installations on Windows PCs. Unfortunately the Mac OSX version does not retain these. If there are any critical issues there's a beta branch you can use to go back to the last pre-1.1.0 version. As always please let me know on the Community page how you get on. Josh S.