New Puzzle Editor Tutorial Videos

Tricone Lab

A unique abstract puzzle game with an emphasis on lateral thinking. Use catalysts to build compounds and manipulate cell structures. 100 puzzle levels and a level editor to create your own custom puzzle designs.

Did you know that Tricone Lab has a built-in puzzle editor? Not only that but you can share your custom puzzles using a dedicated online service, and of course download and play puzzles made by other players. The puzzle editor is super easy to use but just to make the process as straightforward as possible I've created this series of 3 tutorial videos demonstrating from start to finish how to create and share puzzles. [url=]Puzzle Editor Tutorial 1/3[/url] [url=]Puzzle Editor Tutorial 2/3[/url] [url=]Puzzle Editor Tutorial 3/3[/url] So, hope you enjoy these and I would love to see some new custom puzzles created soon! Josh S.