Early Access Living Roadmap


SpellRogue is a turn-based, deckbuilding roguelike where you cast powerful spells using your Mana Dice, gain legendary artifacts, upgrade your spells and experiment with potent combinations to annihilate the Voidwalkers corrupting the world.

Greetings Dice Slingers! Tim & Thorbjørn here - a huge thanks to everyone who has been playing our game! We are very happy with how the launch has been going, and thrilled to see so many people engaging and enjoying SpellRogue - thank you for all of the love ❤️! Today we are lifting the veil on our plans for the game in the coming months. Note that this “Living Roadmap” will be adjusted and extended over time as our priorities shift. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42483590/00f9ad9c8cfbb788fe01ba91d5fd8a6ced796ae8.jpg[/img] We are purposely keeping the roadmap a little vague as we like to continuously reevaluate what is most important for the game. Each line is not necessarily in sequential order nor an update each, but it should provide a general overview of how we are going to develop SpellRogue going forward. As always, we will continue talking directly with the community and listening to your feedback and ideas, so please let us know what you think on the Steam forums or directly on the [url=https://discord.com/invite/5AnXVPCqyx]SpellRogue Discord[/url]! In other news, we are currently working on the first proper update to the game. The update will mostly address a lot balance issues and bugs, but also add a some new content in the form of a couple of new Spells, Artifacts and Events. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42483590/488afafbe9126e9c4a84683f296fc9a62820d086.jpg[/img] [i]Experimental new Void Spell (and minor redesign of Stygian).[/i] It is not going to be a huge update, but we felt it was important to quickly address some of the (balance) issues you all have been finding. We expect to release it on Steam early next week. May your dice roll true 🧙 Tim & Thorbjørn