Dwarves of Runenberg DLC & Free Update OUT NOW!

The Last Spell

Defend the last bastion of humanity with your squad of heroes! Exterminate fiendish monsters with magic and brute force by night and re-build your battered city defenses by day in this tactical RPG with rogue-lite mechanics.

[previewyoutube=RlsB37OTWkE;full][TRAILER][/previewyoutube] Hello Heroes, It's FINALLY here! We are so excited to release the [b]very first DLC for The Last Spell[/b]! Creating this DLC was a big challenge for the team, and we hope you'll like it. And now, time for the traditional BIG blogpost with all the changes that we’re bringing with this DLC. Enjoy 🔥 [h2]The first DLC of The Last Spell, Dwarves of Runenberg, is now available on PC! [/h2] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2795980/The_Last_Spell__Dwarves_of_Runenberg/ Gather your team of dwarves, pick up the new weapons and use the Runestones to your advantage on the brand new map! [h2]Dwarves of Runenberg includes:[/h2] [h3]Three new weapons[/h3] 🔥 Gauntlet 🔥 War Shield 🔥 Cannon [h3]New map: Runenberg[/h3] 🔥 Runestones 🔥 Dwarves Statues [h3]New race: Dwarves[/h3] 🔥 Unique collection of Perks 🔥 Unique passive 🔥 Unique haircuts and faces [h3]New items: Stone Medals[/h3] 🔥 Unique new Perks available as wearable Trinket [h3]New consumables: Beers[/h3] 🔥 Stout 🔥 Amber 🔥 Pilsner A [b]free update[/b] is also available to every player of The Last Spell, which includes bug fixing and a few other features like the [b]Weapons Selection[/b]! More details available below. [h1]Dwarves of Runenberg[/h1] [h2]Three new weapons[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35576831/a6fd8fcd85387317dbd50e108f35e91b4eeac754.gif[/img] Dwarves of Runenberg is adding [b]three exclusive new weapons to the game[/b]. These weapons have been created to change the way you play The Last Spell, thanks to the addition of [b]weapons' Perks[/b]. Not only will these weapons have unique spells, each one of them will also have a unique Perk: [list] [*] [b]Gauntlet[/b]: a magical weapon that morphs from a close range to a long range weapon when a certain threshold is reached [*] [b]War Shield[/b]: a melee weapon designed to tank damages before letting you unleash your power as retaliation [*] [b]Cannon[/b]: an extremely powerful range weapon paired with a risk of overheating, altering the cost of its abilities [/list] Equip your Heroes with the magical Gauntlet, the long-range Cannon and the powerful WarShield. One new weapon per type of damage, available to all Heroes! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35576831/54600c82539304e7fcbcbef2b35dd05e91baf12b.gif[/img] [h2]Runenberg[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35576831/99029ae27b23d103ad225af494523be431cbc983.jpg[/img] Welcome to Runenberg, a new map of [b]8 Nights[/b] set in the mountains. A gigantic cave will greet you from one side, as the large bridge built by the dwarves will allow monsters to come at you from another with a vast and powerful wave. Get ready, this dwarven map's difficulty will be set between Glenwald and Elderlicht and [b]unique Runestones[/b] are located on the map with variable effects (ice, fire, poison). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35576831/4f53e2f3cc54e580252ee74642876605222f1146.gif[/img] On the Final Night, hell will let loose, [b]Dwarves Statues[/b] will gradually be activated and Corrupted Runestones will randomly appear on the map. As you resist against the horde of monsters crawling and growing bigger each new turn, Dwarves Statues will make things even more difficult for you by empowering the monsters around them and targeting the Corrupted Runestones. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35576831/3593e0aa83ac7e358b2ab576221abb0b54b11ea8.gif[/img] [h2]Dwarves[/h2] The dwarves are joining the fight! New haircuts, new faces but also new (and small) sizes. Get to know your new friends on the battlefield! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35576831/c80ed152e53cf0247b3d7756d1807100c575c756.gif[/img] Dwarves have an [b]exclusive Perks collection[/b] related to their race as well as one exclusive passive: [list] [*] "Toss me!": Ask your lovely friend standing next to you to throw you across the map in order to effectively slaughter thousands of enemies. Talking about it, you may remember a particular scene between a human and a dwarf doing exactly just that... [/list] Here are a few Perks examples of what you may find in the DLC: [list] [*] [b]Warcry[/b]: The more a Dwarf is injured, the louder he shouts, inspiring his comrades to fight that much harder. [*] [b]Look at my Muscles[/b]: Dwarves expose their muscles to fight longer... It's a Dwarf thing. [*] [b]Emergency Tunnel[/b]: Dwarves tend to jump headlong into battle... But they’re also able to quickly tunnel back to safety. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35576831/c49b4724e76f7843db637d12296f76faf23466b3.gif[/img] Dwarves may be smaller, but they are also tougher! This will be [b]reflected upon their stats[/b], as they will have less Movement Speed than humans but in return will gain more Block and more Health Regen. By starting a run on Runenberg, your team will have [b]at least one dwarf[/b]. On other maps, you'll have a chance to have a dwarf in your starting team. By visiting the Tavern, whichever map you play, you'll get as much chance to have humans as dwarves Heroes. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35576831/9d69523644afb6744ab6029af5186de6ddf604c1.png[/img] [h2]Stone Medals[/h2] These new trinkets allow you to [b]equip brand new Perks[/b] specifically created for it. The Perks available on the Stone Medals are all new and won't be available on the Perks page of your Heroes. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35576831/8f1b1d34ee0d12d49633a77c5004def931601188.png[/img] [h2]Beers[/h2] What would Dwarves be without their favourite Beers? Three new consumables are added to the game: Amber, Pilsner and Stout, and each one of those Beers has unique properties. [list] [*] [b]Stout Beer[/b]: Increases your Mana, reduces your Health. [*] [b]Amber Beer[/b]: Increases your Accuracy, reduces your Damage. [*] [b]Pilsner Beer[/b]: Increases your Critical, reduces your Critical Power. [/list] [h1]Free Update[/h1] [h2]New features[/h2] In addition to the DLC Dwarves of Runenberg, we're adding some [b]free features for ALL players[/b]: [list] [*] [b]Weapons Selection[/b]: Before the start of your run, choose which weapons you'd like to wield in it [*] [b]Old Medals[/b]: A new type of Trinket using the existing Tier 4 and Tier 5 Perks [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35576831/d90d0ef68a7036879f39ea48b809ef6f9007d3de.png[/img] [h2]QoL[/h2] [list] [*] Added a tutorial for the "Selection of Weapons UI". [*] "Total Damage" has been changed to "Perk Damage" for better understanding. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [h3]Perks[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed "Boom" Perk where the damage is not redistributed on the second target if it is on a trap. [*] Fixed "Poisonous" Perk where the poison is not applied on enemies standing on a trap. [*] Fixed missing action points and several movement points on characters with the Perk "Glass Cannon" activated after a reload. [*] Fixed "Glass Cannon" Perk: now the loss of current life cannot exceed the minimum value of 50. [*] The "Sadist" Perk now applies Opportunism bonuses as soon as the "Poisonous" perk inflicts his effect on one or more targets. Players no longer need to take additional actions to trigger this effect. [*] Fixed a bug on enemies affected by "BOOM!", "Human Ballista", and "Spiky Counter" Perks were not counted towards the "Harvester" Perk's kill count. [*] Fixed the "Relentless" Perk: now the player can no longer gain more movement points than the activation threshold (3). [*] Fixed the "Blood collector" tooltip: now it also displays the actual amount of health regenerated at the end of the turn, taking into account "Health Received". [/list] [h3]Others[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed the randomization hair button in the customization panel. [*] Fixed the Apocalypse tooltip visible in the Omens menu when you hover at the bottom of the screen. [*] Fixed a bug when you played with a controller and destroyed the magic circle with a catapult: the circle animation froze and rendered the cursor immobile. [*] Fixed a bug where it was possible to use the spell "Contamination" on a non-targetable enemy. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35576831/4ad7c7796ae46830576780004bb1c1447846442b.jpg[/img] [b]Phew, that’s it, the first DLC of The Last Spell is now out! What a ride![/b] We can’t wait to read your discussions on Steam, Discord & Reddit and discover which new weapon will be your favourite or how many dwarves you were able to toss into battle. Share your best strategies with us or the horrible moment you realized you couldn’t win this Night! Will you be the unbeatable player able to first try every new map? Thank you for reading and thank you for your support! You can join us on [url=discord.gg/ishtargames][b]Discord[/b][/url], [url=https://twitter.com/ishtar_games][b]Twitter[/b][/url] & [url=https://www.instagram.com/ishtar_games/][b]Instagram[/b][/url] to chat with the team and other players!