Dimensional is looking for beta testers - get your name in the credits level


A first-person, narrative-driven puzzle game. Dimensional throws you into dangerous chambers to save an alien race. This is not a passive experience. You'll have to feel and act as though you're really there - standing, moving around, manipulating objects and reacting to dangers.

As we approach the full release of Dimensional I'm looking for volunteers to play through the entire game and try to find all the secrets. In return you'll be listed in the credits level as an official beta tester. Getting the level of difficulty right is very hard to do when you're working alone. Having designed the levels, the objectives are obvious to me, but may be obscure to everyone else. Any help would be much appreciated in this final stage. Please only volunteer if you enjoy the game enough to complete the whole experience and have at least 4 hours to spare before the end of the 11th December. [b]You will need:[/b] [list] [*]Oculus Rift or HTC Vive (Oculus Touch / Vive tracked controllers are supported but optional) [*]Minimum spec PC (or better) as defined by Oculus / HTC [*]A minimum of 1.2m x 50cm of space with the long side approaching the camera [*]At least 4 hours to spare before the end of the 11th December [/list] Please don't try to play the entire game in one session. Plan to have a number of games with breaks in between. [h1]The plan[/h1] You can start by playing through the current game. If you've already played, please start again as all levels have changed. I will release an early version of the final 3 levels to the beta testers first thing on the 10th giving you the weekend to complete them. If you get stuck, use the [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/457340/discussions/4/]beta tester's forum[/url] for help and I will give you some tips so you can carry on. [b]Before the end of the weekend please let me know:[/b] [list] [*]If you managed to finish the game [*]An estimate of how long it would take someone to complete the game who hadn't played it before. [*]Which levels you failed to find all the hidden messages / areas (as identified on the level select screen) [*]Any bugs you find. Don't spend time trying to break things, just play as you normally would so you have time to finish the game. [*]If any parts were too frustrating, and make suggestions on how your objective could have been made clearer. [*]Generally anything that spoiled the experience for you. [/list] [b]Please volunteer using the [url=http://www.dimensionalgame.com/contact-us/]online form[/url][/b] Thank you