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Lik..." inertia> Devilish Hand: Tales Of Berseria Coming Our Way | Tales of Zestiria | Gamehypes

Devilish Hand: Tales Of Berseria Coming Our Way

Tales of Zestiria

In a world torn by war and political skirmishes, accept the burden of the Shepherd and fight human darkness to protect your world from Malevolence and reunite humans and Seraphim.

Like a little J in your RPG? Smile: Bandai Namco today announced that Tales of Berseria [official site], the next game in their long-running ‘Tales of’ series, will indeed be coming westward. And yep, it will be on PC too. Bandai Namco have been pretty good with bringing the series our way. They released the recent Tales of Zestiria on the same day as its PlayStation 4 version, and are going back to bring older games like Tales of Symphonia over too. Trailer below!

… [visit site to read more]