Development Now Resumed

The Black Masses

The Black Masses is an open world first-person fantasy co-op RPG. The Black Masses features our next generation of crowd rendering technology rebuilt from Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator. Explore a 16 square kilometer island populated by hundreds of thousands of possessed inhabitants.

Hello everyone! Some may know that today we did the full release for UEBS2. Over 2 weeks ago, a portion of our team has officially been shifted to resuming development for Black Masses. We are still some months away from an update, but we want to be transparent and let you know that development is officially resuming. We are excited to finally finish this game. We again apologize for the situation we ended up in. We are a small team, and funding comes from our own pockets. However the release of UEBS2 has allowed us to continue development for Black Masses, regardless of what profits are made. We hope you understand, and we are very excited to finish this. Regards, Brilliant Game Studios.