[Dev Note] The Mercenary Sinks Her Hooks Into Battle!


A tactical RPG where your survivors are fragile, and every step you take could be your last. Transport into a medieval apocalyptic infestation where you must use your wits and strategies to overcome the vile creatures that dwell there. How long can you stay alive?

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/4359f13464d70583210fab7bf83bd02ec8ea598a.jpg[/img] Hello, Survivors! Over the past two weeks, we introduced the reworkings of two Characters we've been journeying with since Early Access: The Outsider Diurmuid and the Knight-Errant Willam, now known as the Barbarian and the Royal Guard. First, to those of you who might be expecting, "So, is it Edwin's turn today?" Well, Edwin is still preparing his grand (re)entrance so please wait just a little longer for his return! The character I want to introduce today is the Mercenary, a new character who was foreshadowed in some of the gameplay systems and mechanics in Early Access. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/9af30ff702f07f88e712f61d84d0031ff42c95cc.jpg[/img] The Mercenary is an expert in combat who can push and pull enemies, disrupt their formations, and create advantageous situations for allies. Before we delve into a detailed introduction, let's talk about the considerations that went into her creation. [h3]First Consideration: How Can We Enhance the Fun of Spatial Puzzles?[/h3] From Early Access until now, we have strived in various ways to provide more intriguing spatial puzzles expected in grid-based strategy games. Among these, pushing and pulling enemies by tile units has received positive feedback from both you, our survivors, and internally. In grid-based strategy, pushing and pulling are relatively common strategic elements. Therefore, we took it a step further by adding play systems and elements that allow for more proactive and strategic use of these abilities. For example, the system that deals Pain damage upon Collision or the Blister that explodes upon Collision, dealing damage over a wide area, were introduced. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/2c9966a859da7f7ae3b8a5a7ddd0ea7e2c0f9e5a.gif[/img] During Early Access, all three playable Characters had battlefield control abilities to push or pull enemies through their character skills, weapon skills, or shared items. We thought having more Characters with more battlefield control options would diversify strategic possibilities. However, as development progressed and the number of playable Characters increased, along with giving each Character their unique identity, we shifted our focus. Instead of providing each Character with equal battlefield control abilities, we aimed to open up the possibility for customizing these abilities for each Character. This leans into customizing individual Characters' abilities through the "Embers of Memory" mentioned in previous DevNotes. The current direction for Character and skill development focuses on allowing a variety of battlefield control abilities depending on which memories are bound to the Character. This customization includes a skill set that uses abilities like pulling, others focusing on the surrounded mechanic, and many more. During this process, we realized that having Characters with unique battlefield control abilities could provide more diverse tactics and interesting experiences. This marked the beginning of our second consideration. [h3]Second Consideration: How Can We Maximize the "Personality" and "Value" of a Positioning-specialized Character?[/h3] When renewing existing Characters or planning new ones, our guiding principle has been to highlight each Character's "personality." As introduced in the previous DevNote [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2225480/view/4149582637341946596?l=koreana][Meet the New Faces!][/url], the three new Characters showcased, as well as the reworked Characters introduced over the past two weeks, all presented "distinct characteristics" for each Character, along with an explanation of the skills that support these traits. When players utilize these Characters effectively, the "value" should manifest through rewarding and satisfying gameplay. For example, the Barbarian is characterized as a warrior capable of making ruthless strikes while maintaining cold, strategic judgment, allowing them to gain tactical advantage through aggressive plays against multiple enemies. The Royal Guard, on the other hand, embodies the steadfastness of a protector, ensuring the safety of allies by tanking enemy attacks when standing by their side. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/b7a0d7a1aeb490b1a1ce7fba24bae7b9d4a2dd2a.gif[/img] In order to design a new Character with battlefield control as a "defining characteristic," we needed to give them a more powerful and unique ability that was different from the weapons and Ember Memories that other Characters can get. More specifically, we wanted to overcome the limitations of push/pull in Early Access and current development and give them a personality like a "battlefield magician" who is unrivaled when it comes to battlefield control. We decided that the best way to exert battlefield control is to be a support dealer who can reliably target enemies from mid-range, which led to the creation of a new Character, the Mercenary, who utilizes long weapons such as the Spear and Polearm to provide powerful damage along with the "value" of support roles. [h3]The Result: The Mercenary, Tearing through Enemy Formations and Dominating the Battlefield.[/h3] The specific concept of the Mercenary was adopted based on her skillful handling of a grappling hook, her ability to wield long weapons, and her masterful maneuvers on the battlefield. Hired as mercenaries for their prowess in other lands, the Mercenary is confident and adept on the battlefield, pushing and pulling enemies from multiple directions, breaking up their ranks to create an advantage for their allies. [h3]Multi-Pull: Reel in Enemies to Attack Them[/h3] "Multiple Hook Pull" is a central Mercenary skill that is the successor to the Hook Throw. However, as is typical of a Mercenary who wields a grappling hook like it’s her second nature, this skill has been enhanced to allow you to pull two enemies at once. Whether you're pulling enemies in with your grappling hook to close the gap or pulling them into your allies' attack range, or even slamming enemies into each other from mid-range to deal heavy damage and disrupt formations, you'll have plenty of versatility. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/82e0e3059bed1328424d3f40102998a2f9629410.gif[/img] [h3]Prepare to Pull Hooks: Combinations of Grappling Hooks and Longswords[/h3] A Mercenary who is skilled in the use of the Grappling Hook will alternate between Multiple Grappling Hook pulls and attacks in the same turn, maximizing its use. "Prepare to Pulll Hooks" allows you to reset the cooldown of Multiple Hooks Pull by attacking an enemy with a Longsword after using Multi-Pull, allowing you to use the skill multiple times in a turn. This means that if you don't get the enemy formation you want on the first try, you'll have another chance right away. You'll be able to control, attack, control, and then control again, selfishly taking down your enemies. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/ed5e459f47b41062d15b31870a13c9e5d608c213.gif[/img] [h3]Vertical Push: You Never Saw It Coming![/h3] "Vertical Push" is a new way to attack that hasn't been seen in Remore before. It utilizes your hook to push enemies left and right, creating a new direction of Collision for enemies at mid-range (much like a Knight in Chess). Dragging left and right can also be utilized to kill two birds with one stone by slamming them into low health enemies, or to completely disrupt a group of enemies by crashing one of them into a dangerously positioned Blister. It's a new type of puzzle element in Grid-based strategy, and while it's a bit more challenging, we think it’s really satisfying! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/d096b4413e67afec050fdf795421f0675cfd6302.gif[/img] [h3]Hangover: I Feel Nauseous...[/h3] Whether it's the confidence of battle or the tragedy that befell Remore that has taken its toll on their minds, Mercenaries love a good drink and are always hungover. Even on the eve of battle. As a result, Mercenaries sometimes stumble. The "Hangover" trait of the Mercenary can sometimes send them stumbling in directions they don't intend, and while it's sometimes a cute mistake, it can also be a deadly step into enemy territory, so be careful. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/15a6458aa5064dd576df1fcdb59869df9a58df93.gif[/img] [h3]Why Use the Mountain Mercenary, Master of Enemy Disruption?[/h3] By utilizing "Multi-Pull" and "Prepare to Pull Hooks", the Mountain Mercenary can pull multiple enemies in a single turn to create a one-hit wonder. Add “Surrounded” positioning to the mix and you're good to go. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/9070e2c757557908eaecea798c0b1bdb39390d6d.gif[/img] "Vertical Push" allows for new attack compositions that only a Mercenary can create: "Multi-Pull" to pull enemies into position, then "Vertical Push" to wreak havoc before they know what hit ‘em! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43792072/817270aed0d404e9ceae591e1b338d957fb1e9ca.gif[/img] So, let us know, what do you think of the Mercenary? We're confident that Survivors who enjoyed the old "throw the grappling hook" method of disrupting enemy formations will be excited to test them! We'll be back at this time next week as we prepare for the next phase of Remore's development. As always, thank you, Survivors! REMORE