Dryft City Kyngs

From humble office worker, to ruthless racing genius. Become the ultimate Dryft Racer in a colourful 2D punk-cartoon world based on a very near-future Melbourne!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43374530/a21901e5cc0c8d674922936ab8da56c85813d419.png[/img] [h2]Demo Updated[/h2] We updated the [b][url=]Dryft City Kyngs DEMO[/url][/b] once more. New "evil mode" title screen featuring Deadsting D.V.V.! Controller fixes and general tightening. You know what to do. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43374530/cc6218b4b4dbd587ac8a1483313450d13c32d947.png[/img] [h2]Demo Change Log[/h2] Only changes that are accessible in this demo are listed. For the full list, jump into our [b][url=]Discord[/url][/b] [list] -----PROJECT [*] Story 98% implemented [*] All movie art drawn and implemented [*] Almost all music implemented -----WORLD [*] All NPC apartment rooms designed [*] Townhouses in Dryft City [*] Tesseract updated with some new shops and decoration [*] Dryft City and Burbs floors updated [*] Bollards will crumble when driven into [*] Trees can be chopped down by driving into them [*] Recyclo and News Bot added around the world [*] You can purchase an art frame from the Art Factory to display art in your apartment [*] Debrah (fka The Poor Man's Therapist) installs TheDailyWysdom app on your moguPhone [*] Bellini sells different wares based on story progress [*] Boost sparkles replaced with placeholder flames [*] Sprite updates -----UI [*] Textboxes perfected [*] Memory Lanes tutorial, Master Pause and Challenge Dryft UI should work on windowed and fullscreen on any screen size [*] "Evil mode" demo title screen featuring Deadsting D.V.V. [*] GUI displays items added or removed from inventory [*] Room edge indicator in outdoor areas [*] World map can now display each of your car locations [*] Tasktpstrr moguBook app UI updated [*] Big Cog moguPhone app UI updated [*] Display font updates [*] Wanted item text bubbles now bob up and down [*] The year is now displayed as 202X in GUI [*] moguBook UI improvements -----SYSTEM [*] Full input system overhaul, no more controller related issues [*] NPCs use basic pathfinding to move around certain solids (buildings, walls etc) [*] NPCs have a funny 'shrink / grow' transition when teleporting [*] Hairstyles auto equip upon purchase [*] Meetup and locate my ryde functions don't skip time anymore [*] Clothes menu and world map can be closed using the same button as opening [*] First car buy price lowered from 600 to 400 [*] General optimisation [/list]