Demo Updates!

Dryft City Kyngs

From humble office worker, to ruthless racing genius. Become the ultimate Dryft Racer in a colourful 2D punk-cartoon world based on a very near-future Melbourne!

[h2]Demo Updated[/h2] We updated the [b][url=]Dryft City Kyngs DEMO[/url][/b] again. Many improvements including racing being a lot more fair and fun. Give it a shot! [h2]Playtopia Festival - Cape Town[/h2] Dryft City Kyngs will be featured in Playtopia Festival on 7-9th of December! [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43374530/bb1b83dba4f88ad4566636dec3d2fb6b2e61e142.png[/img][/url] [h2]Demo Change Log[/h2] [list] [*] Racing NPC rubber banding [*] Camera zoom out and offset while driving adjusted [*] User generated art can display on posters and billboards around the world [*] Chapter cards [*] Swapped the stats that Garage Mayn and Garage Diamond upgrade (top speed <-> acceleration) [*] A fair few new sprites including some more buildings [*] Small billboards display 3 artworks on rotation [*] Money change indicator changed to a slide out tab in GUI [*] GUI action icons display controls to exit car while driving [*] Bollards used as items in a race fall from the sky [*] Inventory app has category descriptions/flavour text if you have no items in a category [*] Shop menus have scrollbars [*] Special background for popgames [*] BDAT notification when your car explodes outside room and has returned to apartment garage [*] Clothes menu naked option removed (but you can still get naked manually) [*] Adjusted office orientation dialogue trigger location [*] Mother and ODCDCO head positions updated [*] Quitting during a race no longer registers as having raced on that track for the day [*] Shop and moguPhone layout polish [*] Boost button prompt shows while drifting for first 5 drift boosts during a race (if guidance option is on) [*] General guidance improvements [*] New demo feedback form linked within game [*] Fixed incorrect palette colours upon game start [*] Fixed car not interacting with small dirt mounds [*] Fixed mouse affecting moguBook usage while using keyboard/gamepad to move mouse [*] Fixed moguMail paginating incorrectly sometimes [*] Fixed being able to access B2B moguBook app after failing the B2B task [*] Fixed being able to enter your car while viewing shop hour signs [*] Fixed incorrect music volumes in racing results and when waking up [*] Fixed incorrect music playing after waking up for non-Burbs areas [/list]