2024-06-26 update

Dryft City Kyngs

From humble office worker, to ruthless racing genius. Become the ultimate Dryft Racer in a colourful 2D punk-cartoon world based on a very near-future Melbourne!

Dryft City Kyngs is updated with the following changes, in no particular order. [list] [*] Fixed player freeze on completing Dishpig's post mission. [*] Fixed BDAT popgame playing special music if playing in the arcade. [*] Fixed crash if time segment changes while *SPOILER* exists in end sequence. [*] Fixed player getting stuck behind wall when entering Donny's dumpster. [*] Fixed player getting stuck in wall when exiting Sands goblin hole. [*] Fixed player getting stuck when warping to Jaret in Bistro Cher. [*] Fixed being able to warp to non-existent Trenchcoat's apartment. [*] Fixed being able to warp to Tommy Tone while he is on stage at The Raven. [*] Fixed transition wrong depth if sleeping on couch in Sands South. [*] Fixed Industrial gate being unlocked before it should be. [*] Inflatable palm tree in Banana Kingdom shop does not vibrate strangely any more. [*] "Pinata" achievement should be gettable now. [*] Fixed broken dialogue when liaising with 'chill' warehouse coworker. [*] Cyber Hype Dryfter arcade machines animate correctly now. [*] Crystal Garden gate and mountain henge stones have collisions when driving. [*] Driving into Mountain sequence trigger now works properly. [*] Fixed Boss having a robo voice after completing chapter 7, lol. [*] Data is checked and cleaned on game load (based on last mission complete, update missing event vars, met npcs, mad respect, certain achievements, and remove key items if player owns them but shouldn't anymore). [*] Rankings are checked and cleaned on game load (duplicate entries removed, missing npcs re-added, check that only actual Lords/Kyng are ranked as such). [*] Player is ranked as Kyng once they become Kyng. [*] Fixed crash when selling your last clothes item to Recyclo. [*] Action GUI icon does not display if in a shop sell menu when you have nothing to sell. [*] Fixed ODC app scrollbar. [*] Fixed wrong warp position when driving out of Construction dryft track. [*] Player car doesn't fall into tentacle puddles in Construction dryft track during key challenge. [*] Player can't get stuck in certain obstacles using ramp in Construction dryft track anymore. [*] Fixed being able to buy ryde parts at the garage even if you've maxed out your stats. [*] Fixed not being able to use 'show parts' function in RydeLAB app even if your car has installed parts. [/list] If you run into any issues while playing, please jump in our discord ([url=https://tinyurl.com/dck-discord][b]HERE[/b][/url]) and report it in our [b]🐞dck-bugs channel![/b] We're actively working on updating and fixing bugs! Thanks dweedes