Demo Update v0.4.10

Elite Exorcist Miko

A bullet hell shoot 'em up featuring hololive’s Sakura Miko! hololive has been possessed by evil spirits! Combine melee and ranged combat with a variety of items to fight your friends and set them free!

[list] [*][b]Controls Menu[/b] [list] [*]Rebinding will now display the currently assigned key/button while in progress [*][b]Keyboard/Mouse[/b] [list] [*]Gohei Attack/Talisman Attack are no longer restricted to LMB/RMB, and LMB/RMB can now be assigned to other actions [*]Fixed rebinding accepting Mouse Wheel scrolling as a valid input [/list][*][b]Gamepad[/b] [list] [*]Fixed exiting the menu when pressing Esc to cancel a Gamepad rebind [*]Fixed rebinding accepting Left Stick or Right Stick directions as valid inputs for actions other than Move and Aim [list] [*][i]NOTE: I may make it possible to bind inputs other than Left Stick or Right Stick to Movement in a future update. However, there are currently some complications, so Steam Input is an alternative for now.[/i] [/list][/list][*]Fixed being able to navigate through the menu while rebinding [/list][*][b]Lightning Streamers[/b]: Fixed additional damage not scaling with Gohei attack power [*][b]Help Screen[/b]: Added an arrow to indicate when there is still unread text reachable via scrolling [/list]