Patch 1.1.0 Notes

Desert Child

You are a hungry, young hoverbike racer who needs to get off Earth before it E-X-P-L-O-D-E-S. Hunt bounties, throw races, and do whatever you can to get to Mars and win the Grand Prix.

Hey Racers, long time! Have you been cravin' a race or a little ramen? [b]Big Changes[/b] [list] [*] Added Gun Shop - You can now purchase new guns at any point while in New Olympia [*] 3 New Podcast Episodes added to the Record Shop [*] Halloween Update - Starting on October 1st, this update adds Halloween decorations around the city of New Olympia, and transforms all the enemies in the game to ghoulish monsters [/list] [b]Minor Changes[/b] [list] [*] Updated End-of-race summary screen to be easier to understand [*] Records can now be sold back to the record shop to remove them from the soundtrack [*] Updated walking animations in New Olympia [*] Gun models are now animated in Weapon Selection Screen [*] Weather effects have more visual variety [*] Water glistening looks more realistic [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Kangaroo herding now pays out correct amount based on how many you killed [*] Smoke from hoverbike in Act 1 Hub now flows correctly [*] "Nice" Achievement sometimes wouldn't activate, this is fixed [/list] Also previously we had implemented an unlockable weapon, Enzo's 'Soopa-doopa Laza-Bazooka', and New Game + mode with harder racers - so if you haven't seen those yet, more good reasons to come back to New Olympia! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32663218/7987c7a535f6c5488ab8e961430e68b61d500231.png[/img]