December 7 Update & Fixes

Dread Dawn

This is an open-world zombie survival game set in a quarantined city. You play as a student left behind due to missing the evacuation convoy. Together with classmates and other survivors, you must defend the school, survive, and await rescue.

Added a feature to display the quantity of crafted items in the inventory within the crafting interface, making it easier for players to track their crafted items. The quantity of crafted items is shown in the first line of the detailed information box after the “|”. Hovering the mouse over the crafted item’s UI icon will display the detailed information box. Added a prompt to indicate the use of the scroll wheel to zoom in and out when the main character operates a machine gun turret, helping players understand how to operate it. When controlling a toy car, a prompt for the scroll wheel zoom key is displayed in the lower right corner to help understand the control keys. When the main character is on a lookout tower, a prompt for using the scroll wheel to zoom in and out is displayed in the lower right corner to assist players with the operation. Modified the background UI image of the use button to make it easier to locate and enhance visual appeal. Added and modified some translations for key prompts to improve accuracy and completeness of the information. Removed redundant code from the crafting interface, enhancing stability and optimizing performance. Fixed a search display error caused by array index out of bounds, which might have been due to external software tampering with variables. Adjusted the size of certain images to increase loading speed and reduce runtime memory usage. Adapted the game for computers with some special resolutions, allowing the use of windowed mode and dragging the window border to maintain normal display. Resolved an issue where ropes would twitch in place during large frame rate fluctuations, caused by incorrect coding, which has now been corrected. Replaced the background UI image of the quick sort button for boxes, facilitating easier location and enhancing visual effect. Adjusted the display position of the bullet count in the lower right corner when using mortars to prevent obstruction by prompt messages. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42699193/9c8dcfbf8c6a3527a1ed6ad331f5fb7195a7757e.png[/img]