This is an open-world zombie survival game set in a quarantined city. You play as a student left behind due to missing the evacuation convoy. Together with classmates and other survivors, you must defend the school, survive, and await rescue.
Added the ability for teammates to find pacemakers while searching for supplies, though the probability is low.
Introduced a black screen tip after death, providing information about some game controls.
Modified the fishing duration logic to make it more random and realistic.
Removed duplicate loading animation code, optimizing game load speed and memory usage.
Added and revised translations for the black screen tips after death to ensure more complete and accurate communication of game information.
Changed the loading order of game classes to improve load speeds and optimize memory usage.
Modified the layout of certain UI elements to prevent issues with text running off the screen or overlapping.
Corrected descriptions and tips for some items, making them more complete and accurate to help players understand certain operations.