Every day, millions of players worldwide enter battle as one of over a hundred Dota heroes. And no matter if it's their 10th hour of play or 1,000th, there's always something new to discover. With regular updates that ensure a constant evolution of gameplay, features, and heroes, Dota 2 has taken on a life of its own.
Version 2.1.0 was released at 5:00 p.m., March 28 (PT). This update includes:
- New Dawnbreak, Nightedge card set added
In the Dawnbreak, Nightedge card set, 97 new cards will be added.
- New leader cards added
In addition to the 97 cards in Dawnbreak, Nightedge, the following leader cards will be included:
Aria, Guiding Fairy
Ramina, Moon Al-mi'raj
Drawing these cards will allow you to use the above leaders in matches, as well as the corresponding emblems and sleeves.
Notes about Leader Cards:
- Aria, Guiding Fairy will be treated the same as the Aria, Guiding Fairy card from Chronogenesis.
- Ramina, Moon Al-mi'raj will be treated the same as the Moon Al-mi'raj card from the Classic Card Pack.
- A normal and animated version of the above leader cards can be drawn from card packs. However, there is only one version of the leaders, emblems, and card sleeves.
- You can only receive a leader, emblem, and card sleeve once.
- Leader cards can't be created.
- The normal version of a leader card can be animated using a Seer's Globe.
- New main story chapters added
- New ability to view effects on leaders during matches
Tap on a leader during a match to see their active leader abilities.
- New ability to view targetable cards when spectating or replaying matches
Visual indicators will show the currently selected cards for both players when watching a replay or spectating a match.
- Display card information when activated
Card information displayed when playing card or activating abilities can be turned off or on in the Settings menu.
- Different cards available in Take Two
After the release of Dawnbreak, Nightedge, the cards that appear when creating a Take Two deck will change. The cards displayed will include some of the non-Neutral basic bronze cards that all players have when first starting the game, as well as the following card sets:
- Wonderland Dreams
- Starforged Legends
- Chronogenesis
- Dawnbreak, Nightedge
Included Basic Cards
- Water Fairy
- Fairy Whisperer
- Sylvan Justice
- Quickblader
- Oathless Knight
- White General
- Insight
- Magic Missile
- Conjure Golem
- Dragonrider
- Dragon Oracle
- Blazing Breath
- Spartoi Sargent
- Apprentice Necromancer
- Undying Resentment
- Nightmare
- Dark General
- Razory Claw
- Snake Priestess
- Beastly Vow
- Blackened Scripture
All basic cards from Portalcraft, including the cards that are earned as rewards for clearing main story chapters will also be included in the list of usable cards.
Cards other than these above will not appear, and the cards on the banned list below will not be displayed either. (Take Two decks made before March 28 might include some cards not displayed here.)
Banned Cards
- Alice, Wonderland Explorer
- Sylvan Elder
- Woodland Band
- Old Man and Old Woman
- Kiss of the Princess
- Apprentice Swordmage
- Mysterian Grimoire
- Dragon Sculture
- Fortress Crab
- Haunted House
- Siren’s Tears
- Demon Key
- Furtive Fangs
- Eagle Man
- Temple of the Inquisition
- Minor changes to card text
The wordings for some cards will be revised to be more understandable, but there will be no difference to how the card actually works.
- Updated tutorial completion rewards
Tutorial completion rewards will change.
Before the change:
- 10 Starforged Legends card pack tickets
- 10 Wonderland Dreams card pack tickets
- 10 Tempest of the Gods card pack tickets
- 10 Rise of Bahamut card pack tickets
- 3 Take Two tickets
- 100 rupies
- 400 vials
After the change:
- 10 Chronogenesis card pack tickets
- 10 Starforged Legends card pack tickets
- 10 Wonderland Dreams card pack tickets
- 10 Tempest of the Gods card pack tickets
- 3 Take Two tickets
- 100 rupies
- 400 vials
The game will be inaccessible during maintenance. If you are in a match when it starts, the match will end in a draw. If you close the app or place the device in sleep mode when maintenance begins, a match in progress will end in a loss and will not be reversed. Saved replay data will also be deleted after maintenance.
Maintenance may end before the stated time.
It may take longer for some people to get the update. If you're not able to update the app, it may be due to the cached data on the device. Please try turning off and restarting the device after a couple of minutes and try again. Saved replay data will be deleted after maintenance. Please back up your game date in case your device is lost or broken.
Important: [url=https://shadowverse.com/news/?announce_id=362] Backing up Game Data [/url]
Shadowverse Team